2nd Tea Party

Aug 17, 2009 18:33

Well, I have been in this dreadful place for over a week now. I am trying to get a tea house here so I can have some delicious tea. I don't want to keep intruding on Lelouch, but it helps in trying to figure out what exactly he is after. I had to find out from Kallen what his past was, and I am intreged. He is planing something, and I would like to know what.

Another task is finding more servants. I have Thomas, and he is much more reliable then Jun, but a lady should not only have one. I must meet with Konoka, and ask if I can share Setsuna with her. That Setsuna was the best servant I have ever seen, and I would hope Konoka wouldn't mind share her with me.

I also would like to try and access the N-field, but I need to find a mirror. I have yet to find one that isn't broken. I will need to ask some assistance in this. I will need to see where I can go using the N-field.

I also need to meet these, Delinquents, I heard about. They seem to be a reliable bunch of demons.

*Shinku is out walking around the school. feel free to bump into her if your name is heard, or just interact. i'm sure shinku will find something to talk to you about.


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