XY, Boys, Guys, Future Men for if we were to ever be.

Jul 25, 2005 21:55

Nonegotiables:(aka: if you don't have it your chances are questionable, but depending on what, there is a possiblility.)

You have to have Jesus as your Savior, Brother, Friend and King.(this one is required, you have no hope if this isn't there and real)

We have to have christian-brotherly-sisterly love.

We have to be friends first.

You have to be honest.

You must be a brunette. (possibly a readhead, but not blonde)

You have to have good taste in music.

You have to be able to make me laugh. (when i wrote this out the first time i accidentaly wrote this one down twice so i guess it's important times 2)

You have to have painted your fingernails at least once.

You have to like Chinese, Japanese and or Thai food.

You can't wear eye shadow (unless your in theatre).

You can't drink (or smoke).

You have to be older than me.

You have to appriciate art.

You have to be willing to dance with me in the rain.

You must be humble.

You have to be a leader.

You have to be able to talk to me.

You have to be open with me.

You have to be able to step up and make "the first move". (and no that is not in referance to bases. get your head out of the gutter perve)

You have to be respectful of my body and yours.

You cannot be racist, sexist, homophobic, ect.

You cannot cheat or flirt with other girls or guys.

You cannot lie to me.

You cannot abuse me (physically or emotionaly)

You cannot look like "mr. universe" (thats just sick)

You have to be real.

You have to be okay with the fact that i don't like to wear shoes or a bra.

You can't be obbsesed with money or buying things.

You have to respect your Mother, even if you don't like her.
You have to like grave yards. (and no i'm not being all sick gothic, i just think they are pretty) You have to be willing to pose for me. You can't be afraid of marriage. You can't look at porn. You can't be bi. You have to be willing to get up and watch the sun rise with me once and a while. You shouldn't swear. You have to be a servant. You have to be able to have biblical discussions with me and pray with me (this is also required) I like oatmeal. You have to be a responsible driver. You have to go to galleries with me. You have to be content to go on a picknick lunch as a date. You must have been born male. You have to send snail mail. You are to never "worship the ground i walk on". You must not try to buy my affections, you will only cool them. You have to send snail mail.
Negotiables:(aka: it would be nice, but not required)

You do not have to be an artist.

You don't have to eat meat.

You do not have to be able to sing.

You don't have to help me fold laundry.

We don't have to like all the same movies.

You can be a morning or a night person.

You don't have to be able to cook.

You don't have to be able to eat with chop sticks. (i am willing to attempt to teach you...)

You don't have to be able to kill spiders.

You don't have to be able to pick me up. (just married, carried over the threshold style)

You don't have to be able to donate blood.

You don't have to be a virgin. (though this would and is really really really really times 1o2.8% would be prefured)

You don't have to like math.

You don't have to be bestest friends with my friends. (but you do have to get along with 'em) You don't have to be tickleish. You don't have to wear tie dye. You don't have to wear black clothing. You don't have to like lots of blankets.
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