Title: Raindrops
fan_spagleFandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Every time he tasted the rain on his lips, he’d think of him
Notes: This is for the first prompt 'A Kiss'
He stared out the window, slowly raising his index finger to trace the raindrops. Each one making a small picture that only a child could interpret.
“You just going to stand there and not say anything?”
He looked into the distance and could see the rain reflect in the light from the streetlamps below.
He wondered briefly why they always looked a bit more graceful that way. A single spotlight surrounded by raindrops…as if nature was doing a dance for his eyes only.
“Just going to bloody ignore me then, is that it?!”
He’d always liked the rain…it reminded him of simpler times when Willow had pigtails and monsters only lived in fairytales.
“Bloody hell, Whelp...Fine, if that’s how you want to leave it!”
And then Buffy came into their lives, making everything brighter and scarier. It didn’t rain for months after Jessie died.
“I’ll just be leaving then.”
The first time Spike kissed him was in the rain.
He heard a door being opened and he finally turned around.
Spike was holding onto the wooden frame, staring at him.
“Are you at least going to say bloody good-bye?”
Every time he tasted the rain on his lips, he’d think of him.