Aug 31, 2006 20:30
hmm.............................................................................................i donno what to say. i.......................i donno. so i guess im gonna go. oh...sorry if i was bitchy towards anyone today. i had a shity day. ah...i might as well write here was my day...
well i got 4 hours of sleep last night. i was up till 12 doing homework and fell asleep about 1...then had to get up at 5 to go to jazz this morning. jazz was fine i guess...i was half asleep so i honestly dont remember. then left to go to class at 7:30, 5 mins to go to locker and D-wing...shouldnt have been a problem. well i got down to my locker and saw Mika, he asked me if i had gotten my paper signed for polo (long sotry and for those of you who dont know, i didnt quit marching band to play polo, im managing) and i told him no. so he told me to do it now, before class...i had like 2 mins so i said "no, i dont want to be late." and he said "aw, who cares!" so i just lashed out at him..."no! im not gonna be fucking late to class!" and just walked off. i kinda felt bad and told him that i only got 4 hours of sleep. so was putting a binder in my locker and the one-min bell rang...i was like "shit," so i just grabed my science folder and just closed my locker...and made it on time! thank god. then 3rd period came around...English. i get into class...and keep in mind i was doing my english homework till 12 last night. so i get to class and was talking to a guy in my group, hes lookin through the newspaper we had to make and then asks "wheres the interview?" so i take it and look through it...i started freaking out! not even joking! i had worked so had on that thing last night i was fucking pissed to find out that i had forgotten something. i started pulling at my hair and i almost started to cry. i was freaking out for seriously like 15 mins. i kinda calmed down but was still pissed. so other than that english was fine. lunch was lunch...although the topic Kelly, Shaunda, Beau (kinda) and i were talking about was quite depressing. but history and german were ok...didnt do german homework so Mr. Geuman was saying that id rather hang out with friends then do homework for him or was in german and he was talking fast...couldnt really understand him. but then i was going to shaundas locker with her and saw kristina...somehow we started talking about how i got kicked out of band room yesterday after school and she then told me that she over heard Carter and like Matt and Kitty talking. and this is what Carter was saying "i dont understand how she cant have time (or stay...dont remember) for marching band when shes hanging around the school anyways!" and that pissed me off because first off he has no right to be talking shit behind my back...and second both my parents work till about 3:30 so i dont have a ride till then! so i have to stay at the school for like an hour or so...cause otherwise i dont have a fucking ride home! anyways, that pissed me off and ive concluded that im not doing band next year...any of it. no jazz, no wind ensomble, and definately no marching band. and if i hear that hes talking about me again then im gonna quit this not gonna deal with Carter giving me shit about quiting...he just told me on sunday that it was fine! anyways, so that pissed me of going into in there droped my shit on the ground, sat, put head on desk and started to cry but then i stoped myself. so i had a shity day today. and im truely sorry if i "attacked" any of you. going to bed at 9:30 tonight...and i still have to take a i will see you all tomorrow!
oh...and im having troubles with my sister...well not really troubles, but...well just go to my friend page and read the last entry of skysearch101...thats my sis. her last post made me cry when i read it last night.