The Things I Hate

Dec 21, 2005 14:16

I hate with a burning fiery passion people that abuse others, be it children or animals or the elderly or even eachother. It's wrong, it's wrong to hurt someone else through neglect or malice or anger for no other reason than the fact that you're stronger than you can. I think most people would agree with me on this. Yet I take this hate a step further, I also hate the people that make that kind of abuse possible. The people who sit back and feel guilty but say nothing. The people who let the abuse go on and on, let irreparable damage be done while they twiddle their thumbs and debate doing something, notifying someone. Soothing their conciences with the thought that they'll call soon, just a few more days..just another week, nothing bad can happen in that time right?

I hate people who make petty excuses for doing something so fucking open handedly evil. I hope Karma jumps up and swallows their lives whole, I hope they have misery for the rest of their goddamn lives because knowing something is wrong and standing by and letting it happen is as bad as doing it yourself. That's even how the law sees it, if you stand by and watch someone kill someone, it doesn't matter if you pull the trigger yourself, you're just as guilty.

I don't care how hard you think your life is at the moment, I don't care if the one doing the abusing is your Father, Mother, Sister, Boyfriend ,Girlfriend, Best Friend or your fucking Great Aunt Trudy. You don't wait to report things like this, you don't wait to do something because if you do you run the risk of having someone's death on your concience forever. Someone helpless, someone who couldn't make it stop alone who needed you to helpl them..and you didn't. You just let it happen because you were too big of a coward to stand up and say STOP.

I'm a murderer.

In my heart and for the rest of my life I will always know that I am a murderer, I didn't hold the bat that sent her ribs through her lungs, I didn't rape her myself but I killed her none the less because I didn't say anything...because I knew what he was doing to her and I didn't say anything to help.

I had a friend in high school, she was wonderful..this tiny sweet girl with the biggest smile you ever saw and these big brown eyes that would turn you into goo if she looked at you funny. She was so tiny, she was my age and stood exactly at my shoulder and weighed maybe 90 pounds soaking wet. She was the sweetest person I ever knew, she loved pokemon and cheesy anime and she liked the square school pizza best the same as me.

We'd share headphones at lunch and finish eachothers sentances and one day she told me an awful awful secret. Her father hurt her, he hit her and did things to her and she was so scared sometimes she couldn't sleep. She showed me her scars and bruises and I held her and petted her hair and I kept that fucking secret..until one day she didn't come to school. She kept not coming...and I finally called her house after 4 days, just like she told me to if I got worried. Her mother told me that she was dead...and how she died. I didn't say anything and she died and it was *my fault* because I knew..I knew and didn't stop it.

I'll carry that with me the rest of my life. She was my best friend and I let her die, so don't you DARE fucking tell me that I don't understand. I don't need to, I know the consequences of standing by and saying nothing while something so evil happens. " Evil Prospers when good men do nothing" isn't that the quote? I know what I did, but I also know that I'll never do it again. I've reported people since, once I actually cornered a woman at the bus stop long enough for the police to get there and take her son from her. You never expect someone to do something evil, but it happens and kicking yourself later doesn't make it right.

Letting someone suffer because you're too chickenshit to do something about it is so wrong it burns me up inside and every time I hear of someone that does it it eats me up until I'm so angry I think I just might crack and go postal on someone.

I'll settle for this though.
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