[FANFIC] One Two chap. 1

Jan 29, 2012 21:08

title: One Two
fandom: Hetalia - Axis Powers
characters/pairing: China/Taiwan
rating: K+
summary: The story of China, Taiwan, and how everything came to be what everything is now. A rather AU drabble.
dedication: To Grandpa. We all loved you.
She rushed through the hallway, small feet stomping across wooden floor. In her arms she clutched a deep pink and heavily embroidered hat, the fruit of her many hours of labor. Today, she was going to show this to big brother. She smiled at the thought of his surprised smile and gentle praise.

And maybe he would play with me a bit more . . . , she thought to herself.

At the end of the hall, she took a left turn-almost tripping in the process-and hurried toward a half-opened door. There was light in that room. Her breath quickened with excitement. And she burst in.

“Big brother!” Taiwan shouted happily, jumping up and down, waving the beaded aboriginal hat. “Big brother China, look what I-”

“Huh?” By lamplight, China’s face appeared beside a mountain of scrolls. “Taiwan? Is that you?”

“Yeah!” She grinned. “Look what I made! It’s really pretty and I’m sure-”

“Why aren’t you wearing any clothes?” he cut in, frowning. He looked back at his papers. “And your face. When was the last time you washed your face?”

“I-well.” She paused. “I don’t know.”

China sighed. “Taiwan, you have to be a little more civilized. Boys are generally wild and free, I know, but if you want to become a province you must learn how to behave.”

“But I’m not a b-”

“Now, go ask one of the other states to fix you up,” he continued on as if he hadn’t heard her. China flipped his ponytail back and reached for a calligraphy brush. “I have a few things I need to deal with here-” He dropped his voice, but Taiwan could still hear the next words: “Namely, Japan and Korea . . .”

When he rubbed his eyes, she saw there were black circles there; her big brother had not slept for many years.

Taiwan stood there for quite a while, contemplating the possibility of China acknowledging her presence any time soon. When the candle by the wall had melted a quarter way through and China’s eyes were still on those endless paragraphs of Chinese characters, Taiwan gave up and left.

It would be many hours before China realized there was a hat left by the doorway of his study.




a/n: This story will be taking liberties with original canon in terms of canon events and with historical events in general.

Because this story might touch on some politically sensitive materials, I apologize in advance for offending anyone in the process.

Aaaand updates will be completely random, but I have the next chapter halfway written already. So this story might get a faster update than, say, my other ones . . .

fandom: hetalia - axis powers, [fanfic] one two, fanfiction, pairing: china/taiwan

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