Help, I need test readers for BB!

Mar 25, 2011 19:10

It's (almost) that time again; time for spn_j2_bigbang which means I'm panicking (and doubting myself, grrr!) and the deadline's May 1st!

Last year, I had a few test readers early in the game (for the first three teaser chapters) and then just before posting, to read the entire fic. Now that my spn_cinema fic is pretty much done, I'm back to focusing on my BB, but I would like to know that I'm on the right track with this fic ASAP, so if not, I can consider an alternate storyline. Plus, I'm using a different style to write this one, and I need to know if it works.

So if you generally like my work, and you have some time to read and can get back to me with an opinion by the end of next week, then I would love to hear from you. Please note that I'm not looking for a beta (I have two wonderful betas at the moment!), just another opinion. Also, this is just for the first three chapters.

FYI: My BB this year is a first-time, J2 non-AU set between S1 and S4. I expect it to be long (surprise, surprise) and it's told entirely from Jensen's POV.The idea is for it to be a slow-burn build-up, heavy on the angst, the romance and yeah, okay, the schmoop. It focuses largely on just the guys and how their relationship evolves through Jensen's jaded eyes. This is pretty much a trope in our fandom, but I feel like I can give the story we all know and love so well, a somewhat new narrative, not unlike what I did last year with 'The Play Nice Proviso', except that this year's story is more grounded in reality.

Let me know if you're interested by commenting here, or by email:

Thanks so much, everyone!

Edited 29-03-2011: Hey guys! Thanks so much for the offers to help me out, here and by PM/email. I've done this very scientifically (eenie meenie mynie mo) and picked three of you. I'll be in touch shortly! Cheers!

♥ ♥ ♥
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