so here it is

Aug 29, 2005 01:46

I finally got to do are ALL on here so read what i think about you all....

ck here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If calisweethart98 and fairlyfallen4 were spliced together, what would it be like? a swimming, hyper, smart, beautiful person
2) Is calisweethart98 1337? i have no idea what that means
3) Does dipitlow69 drink? yes
4) Is thbehn your best friend? nope. but she is awsome
5) Does hummussandwich have a crush on devonian_90? they have no clue who eachother is
6) What video game does thbehn remind you of? i guess pacwoman, bc thats the only thing i can think of thats a girl game
7) If kab240 were hanging off a cliff, what would justperfect316 do? i have no idea. they dont know eachother THAT well, but since Carina is amazing, she would help her
8) Could you see xxbroadwayfunxx and house4sale together? umm illegal...18 and 12...umm yea lol
9) Does house4sale go to your school? ughh used to till she moved to college. ughh
10) If ocharalotted and xojilliebabyox were siamese twins, where would they be joined? umm not sure
11) What would kab240 think of babybri505? since Bri is awsome, kim would like her
12) Where would a_cruel_angel most like to visit? Australia since she love it there
13) Is lonelygoodbye a college student? ughh unfortunatly
14) One thing you can't stand about xcrossouteyesx? that we dont hang out
15) Do you have a crush on xcrossouteyesx? nope, but i do on his personality
16) What color should kab240 dye their hair? none, shes adorable
17) Are hummussandwich and ocharalotted going out? umm no lol illegal... 20 and 15
18) If justdoit3712 and rachelle927 were spliced together, what would be its name? staustin Denrach lol
19) Would you make out with hummussandwich? lets not go there lol
20) Have you flirted with justdoit3712? haha since i was 8.
21) If berrylicious277 took over the world, who would be happy? i love Court so, the world would be a lil slow but awsome lol
22) dramaguy2004's hair color? Brown with blonde tips, but wants to get blue tips
23) Would pimpjuicepat and kab240 make a good couple? nope, end of story
24) Is xojilliebabyox a nerd? nope. shes my baby girl
25) Does pimpjuicepat smoke? nope, and i would kick his ass if he did. love you pat
26) If calisweethart98 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? an empty pool lol
27) What do you disagree with hummussandwich about? a friend of mine, ugh
28) Is bobsagetdotcom introverted or extroverted? lol dont know the term
29) What flavor of jello would lexibabez21 be? lemon, idk why
30) Is dramaguy2004 dead sexy? you bet, but he wont believe anyone
31) Has kab240 dyed their hair? umm i think before
32) What is bobsagetdotcom allergic to? i dont think anything
33) Do you have calisweethart98's screenname? yes'm i do
34) What comic book character would kblakey14 be? Flakey Blakey lol
35) Where was xojilliebabyox born? rochester
36) How would lexibabez21 kill hummussandwich? with her looks lol...idk thats a dumb question
37) What is rachelle927's shoe size? lol wtf prob. like 8
38) Is rachelle927 related to you? nope, but sister at heart
39) What animal does kab240 remind you of? owl bc harry potter
40) Is ejpolet in a relationship? not that i know of...secrets secrets are no fun...
41) Would you set up xcrossouteyesx and berrylicious277? nope bc i think that might be awkward
42) Is thbehn single? i think so
43) Does pennylane1123 do drugs? nope.
44) Do you think pimpjuicepat is hot? umm doesnt everyone...he doesnt but we all do
45) What would kblakey14 give fairlyfallen4 for his/her birthday? if they were friends prob. a funny inside joke gift
46) Is xxbroadwayfunxx athletic? a better term for Cameron
47) Have you ever dated pimpjuicepat? ...nope...damn
48) What is berrylicious277's biggest flaw? she doesnt think highly of herself
49) When did you last call xxbroadwayfunxx? well maybe a month ago, but i see him almost everyday
50) Thoughts on dramaguy2004? everyone thinks we are dating...but im missing a part of me...
51) What is hummussandwich's favorite movie? no clue
52) Would you ever date pimpjuicepat? most def.
53) What do you agree with rachelle927 about? hmm prob. nothing
54) What is summerlovin6605's favorite band/artist? not a clue
55) Is xcrossouteyesx an emo? lol heck yes
56) Would you wrestle xxbroadwayfunxx in jello? umm sounds kindda kinky so no
57) If dipitlow69 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? I love her to death, but nows not the time to ask this
58) Is lonelygoodbye popular? my lover
59) What rank would calisweethart98 have in a giant robot army? haha no clue..random
60) What would you do if berrylicious277 died? ughh man. i dont want to think bout that
61) Did justdoit3712 break up with you? nope, never together
62) Would xcrossouteyesx and livninparadise look good together? def. not. totally different people
63) bobsagetdotcom's eye color? i think blue
64) What is deception_thorn's favorite food? haha no clue. i know she hates beans
65) What song/movie would you recommend to kblakey14? Hairspray but thats all ready done
66) What is devonian_90's favorite color? prob. blue or yellow
67) Is pimpjuicepat a high school student? yes sir. one more year.
68) Does ocharalotted have a dog? yes
69) What planet should ejpolet be from? uranus bc its funny
70) What animal should justperfect316 be combined with? poodle
71) Would justdoit3712 be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
72) Where did you first meet inspired_poet? at Athens, and it was bc of god.
73) Which of your friends should kab240 go out with? maybe crachiola. idk
74) One quality you find attractive in justdoit3712? hehe when i was 8-11 i would have said any quality
75) Do hummussandwich and babybri505 go to the same school? nope. college and athens
76) Has dramaguy2004 been to your house/dorm? nope. which needs to change soon
77) What exotic animal would devonian_90 like as a pet? iguanna. i cant spell
78) What word best describes berrylicious277? unique
79) Is dramaguy2004 related to calisweethart98? not in the least
80) If house4sale had a superpower, what would it be? manipulation lol jk.
81) How would lexibabez21 conquer the world? lol i have no idea
82) Where was dipitlow69 born? Royal Oak Beumont
83) Does summerlovin6605 travel a lot? nope
84) Which president would inspired_poet be likely to idolize? totally bush lol jk
85) Does rachelle927 have a big secret? if i knew, then it would be a secret.
86) What is justdoit3712's favorite game? i have no clue
87) What languages does pimpjuicepat speak? english,chaldean,arabic
88) What would inspired_poet do differently in your shoes? stay at athens
89) How many monkeys could summerlovin6605 fight at once and win against? none, she would run like hell
90) How long would dramaguy2004 dating livninparadise last? not a sec. it would NEVER happen
91) How long have you known berrylicious277? 2 years
92) Are dramaguy2004 and dipitlow69 married? fuck no.
93) Is justdoit3712 friends with dramaguy2004? no, but they have seen eachother i believe
94) How tall is inspired_poet? about 5'6
95) Would xcrossouteyesx go out with kab240? nope
96) If rachelle927 took over the world, who would suffer? the mean bad loser boys lol
97) What would you do if you found out xcrossouteyesx has a crush on you? i would blush, but it would never happen
98) What mental disorder does torturedhart remind you of? haha nothing. thats dumb
99) Does kab240 know babybri505? yea i believe
100) Are xxbroadwayfunxx and calisweethart98 going steady? heck no
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