Jocelyn, just to be sure that you and everyone else sees this, I am making your comment to my last entry and my response to your comment a collective new entry.
"Lets keep in mind what Kerry and his family have done to increase jobs. Oh wait, nothing. Kerry's wife sent millions of AMERICAN jobs overseas with her little Heinz factories to have people make $.20 per hour in sweatshops. Kerry attacks Bush on his job losses. Well part of that has to do with his/his wife's decision to move their companies.
Also, you can't really believe the stats they throw out there themselves or by their staff. All the stats are corrupted to make them sound like the better person. They lie!
Now, in 2028 my dear Jon, you will have a much better canidate to vote for as a Demo. = ME! I'm counting on your word of mouth and vote to get me to the White House where there will be drum corps for everyone and band programs will get more money than the althetic programs in schools! WOO!"
What has Kerry done to increase jobs? Well, he ran for president, which would have put him in a position to do so. Whether or not you think Kerry would have done anything to increase the number of jobs in America, Bush has already proved his miserable failure from the moment he took office.
"Kerry's wife sent millions of AMERICAN jobs overseas with her little Heinz factories to have people make $.20 per hour in sweatshops. Kerry attacks Bush on his job losses. Well part of that has to do with his/his wife's decision to move their companies."
Actually, "Pittsburgh, PA, July 14, 2004 - In light of misleading reports, H.J. Heinz Company (NYSE:HNZ) reiterated today that neither Teresa Heinz Kerry, Senator John Kerry nor any of the Heinz trusts or endowments, either individually or collectively, holds a significant percentage of H.J. Heinz Company shares. Heinz also attests that Heinz® Tomato Ketchup sold in the United States is all-American - made at U.S. facilities in Fremont, Ohio; Muscatine, Iowa; and Stockton, California. (CLICK HERE to see video on the making of America's Favorite Ketchup™.) There is only one exception: an extremely small number of specialty Ketchup packages are filled at its Heinz Canada factory in Leamington, Ontario, north of Detroit (about 35 miles from the border)."
Source: So there you go. Not a single American job overseas due to Teresa Heinz Kerry. With Bush, however, companies that do not outsource jobs to other countries are subject to rediculous taxes. This is why companies like mine that obviously cannot outsource jobs by making pizzas in Taiwan and delivering them to America are not able to give employees like me a raise despite my having been there for well over a year and in desperate need of one. This is why MILLIONS of industrial jobs have been lost in America and are now being worked for like you say, 20 cents an hour in some third world country.
Of course, if you check the statistics, you won't see that there are millions fewer industrial jobs in America, because Bush changed what is classified as an industrial job. Guess what? My job is now industrial. That girl in the drive through at McDonald's also has an industrial job, because every FAST FOOD position in America is now classified as INDUSTRIAL. That means the millions of jobs that have been outsourced to Korea, Taiwan, and dozens of overseas countries will not show up in the numbers because there are so many millions of fast food jobs that have been reclassified to cover Bush's tracks.
Companies that have actual industrial jobs that can be outsourced, however, are receiving record tax breaks under Bush. Bush has been rewarding companies who eliminate American jobs ever since he got in office. It's great for his fellow millionaires who own the companies, since they can save lots of money and continue to get richer and richer while the American people who used to have the jobs that are now outsourced continue to get poorer and poorer due to the disastrous state of the economy.
Finally, since I can see you didn't go to, I have to tell you that they are NONPARTISAN and IN NO WAY associated with Kerry or Bush and their respective parties. Therefore, your claim of "All the stats are corrupted to make them sound like the better person. They lie!" is rediculous, because I highly doubt the nonpartisan staff of the website are concerned with making themselves "sound like the better person." None of them have or will run for president.
Now, back to the point that my post was about, now that Bush's reign of terror has been extended for another four years, I am not going to be able to pay for college because of THE PELL GRANT, first and foremost. While his tax plans cause me greater suffering due to the nature of my job, the most severe financial repercussion is from the lack of funding to the pell grant, and also the millions of kids that now qualify for the pell grant that did not until their parents' jobs were outsourced. Obviously, less funding and more recipients causes each individual pell grant to be considerably lowered. And it doesn't even matter how poor you are, because Bush has limited the maximum pell grant to $4,050 per year, over ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS LESS THAN PROMISED IN HIS FIRST CAMPAIGN! That was the point of my brief entry, but you went and brought up the outsourcing of American jobs, and I felt it important that you know who is really responsible for that. Bush, not Kerry or his family.