A long, long time ago

Nov 17, 2005 10:01

I used to updated all of the time. I'd still go through times when I wouldn't update at all, but they only lasted so long. Now I'm at Pitt. I'm so ready for this semester to be over. I enjoy the people in my English and Religion classes. The instructors in my other classes seem nice, and there are people in each of those classes I at least think are pleasant. Soon it'll be Thanksgiving. My mommy bought a 22 pound turkey to cook, so you can invite your family and all of your friends to my house this year. As it is right now, that is way too much food for us. I dance on Sunday. And then again not too long after, and then, again, not long after that. k-4, 5-College; pointe; company.

I just had a really good feeling. :)

Hey, and Chris: I love you! :-D
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