It's the zombie apocalypse and you have to assemble a team of 7 people to help you fight the apocalypse! You can pick any characters from any tv shows or movies you want, but it has to be 7 different characters. :)
shameless666 | partitioning | wickshy | incandescent [RULES+TAGS]» you can use any fandom you want » you have to post seven icons fitting the theme » your icons must be new, made specifically for this community » your icons must fit lj standards » post your icon in a new entry and tag it with "challenge XXX" and your username like this "#username" » you may change your icons whenever you want before the deadline » DEADLINE for this challenge is SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 04:00 PM (est) » please, include this code in your entry (you only need to paste your links in and remove the one space here -> ) :