Common Interests

Jul 04, 2008 10:45

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Hell yes. Nothing like a defending against an alien invasion to make you proud of being an American.

Seriously though, hope everyone enjoys some great company, some good food, and maybe a beer or two today. Doesn't look like sunshine, but whatever, no problem...

Throughout the year, you know, everyone has got problems. A lot of people have problems with America. There are a lot of problems in America! Maybe you don't like the president or the wars we're waging or the archaic limitations on marriage... so often we're talking about whats wrong with America... and thats good. That is our freedom in action. And that action is integral to our democracy.

Today though, just think about all the things that are right about America. Despite the recession, the war, the patriot act, global warming, and everything else, we have the good fortune of living in the most prosperous and progressive nation in the world... we are on the cusp of history, we are the future, and the future is bright. I think the clouds are going to break for a while today, so pack your bathing suit. Tomorrow, and every day after that, we have to worry about making sure the ideals we hold so dear, Liberty and Justice for all, are there for our children, and their children... we have to make sure the planet is still green and bountiful, we have to solve some very difficult problems. We've got a lot riding on us. But our parents and their parents and their parents all the way back to 1776 did not fight and toil so that we would have nothing to be proud of. Be proud today. Put on some red, white, and blue. And have some fun... you're allowed.


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