Title: Ghost in the Grass
Author: LittleMissMercy
Fandom: Charmed/The Da Vinci Code
Characters: Paige Matthews, Silas
50_darkfics 064 Ghost,
crossovers100 014 Green
Word Count: 614
Rating: G
Author’s Notes: Contained spoilers for the end of The Da Vinci Code.
Comments are love.
Ghost in the Grass )
I'll be pimping your writing comm soon btw so hopefully you'll get a few more people over there. *hugs*
And yay! I can't wait for that! I'll be posting something over at coclaim100 soon too. Been...a little preoccupied lately...
And don't worry about not posting for a while, Mylia and I (the other mad) both know what that's like, so there's no rush.
That's definitely good to know. I've been meaning to get something written for that for awhile now though, so it will be soon for my next post. Hopefully. =)
Yeah we both have about 1000 fics claimed (seriously) so take your time, best not to rush the muses, in my experience they bite *g*
1000 fics? Yeah, that just about covers it. Damn those pretty-looking prompt tables and words! Addictive as heroin and Firefly.
Just a random (and probably strange) question. Does your muse have a name? I've heard of people naming their muse(s) and even going as far as describing it (like a fairy or something). Is that....stupid? Or not???
And it's not really strange, but I don't think of my muses in that way, my muses tend to be the characters I write with so I'd say Silas was my muse, but also if I'm completely honest Paul Bettany is my muse to some extent also (his prettiness motivates and inspires me) but I don't think it's stupid to have one muse for everything though like the ones you've mentioned, maybe mine just works undercover.
And that's definitely a good answer. Clears things up a lot. *nods* Yeah, I think I'm the same..
Glad I could be of help, I guess because I have so many voices in my head if I just had the one muses she'd be knackered all the time!
I've been considering dropping a couple of claims too, but then I just...can't. It's stupid, but I can't help it! Damnit! (Flashes back to school..."An addiction is a disease of the brain; etc, etc"....I must have an awful lot of brain diseases then!)
Aww, poor muses! Don't kick 'em! (Not too much, anyway! =P)
And don't worry some of them like it *looks at Silas*
And I'm not worried! Just....um.....what's the word??? *thinks*....yeah, right...um...it's not coming...
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