Feb 26, 2011 21:05
As it turns out, I didn't go to kyudo that night. Not that I didn't have plans to.
After club was done, I stopped at Lawson's to grab some quick food, fully intending to drive and eat at the same time. But I stopped at my place to eat some of it first. Which turns out was a good thing.
As I was eating, I decided not to leave early and get my glasses fixed (I lost a screw the other day, no idea when or where it fell out), and continued eating the rest of my dinner. As I was finishing up, I got a phone call. Didn't have the number listed in my phone, so I just let it ring. I figured if it was important, they would call again.
Sure enough, 10 minutes later, it rang again. This time I answered it.
(the following has been translated and paraphrased)
me: Hello?
VP: Good evening, this is the vice principal.
me: Good evening.
VP: We have a drinking party now, did you know about it?
me: No, I didn't.
(off to someone else)
VP: Oh, he didn't know about it.
(back into the phone)
Well you had signed up for it, did you still want to come?
(a teacher in the background)
We are waiting for you!
me: Oh, yes, I'll be right there.
Turns out the praying enkai (drinking party) was that night, and I had forgotten which day it was, and neither of my main JTEs were going to be there, so they didn't mention it to me at school. The funny thing is, as I was standing with the volleyball coach after practice, waiting for the girls to finish leaving the gym, I was thinking about when that enkai was going to be. I thought, "maybe it's next week, someone probably would have mentioned it"
Now that I think about it, I vaguely remember seeing the date Feb 24 on the sheet I looked at, but didn't write the date down. Probably should have.
Still made it to the party, and prayed for those kids! Food was all "pass"/"win" themed. They even gave out five sided chopsticks to us, "five sides" and "pass" sound the same, gokaku. It was neat to see all the themed dishes, but remember I had already eaten what I thought was dinner!
as a bonus anecdote, my place in Japan just got smoke alarms put in today...Akita, catching up with the rest of modern Japan for the last 200 years.