(no subject)

Jun 13, 2008 19:29

In the Ward

Résumé- AU, Jin wonders what links his two fellow patients, Ryo and Uchi, in this psychiatric hospital.


In The Ward

Jin was watching Ryo.

Ryo was watching Uchi.

Uchi was starring at the wall.

Their little game had been going on for at least two weeks, ever since Uchi had left solitary confinement and was present during the group activity period. Something Jin found quite ironic since the activities were pretty much individually done by the patients. He had immediately took notice of Nishikido Ryo, 23 years old, Type B, on his first day of hospitalisation. Jin had pondered why the first time he laid eyes on him, bells of alarm rung in his head for reasons that had remained unknown for weeks.

It didn’t take him long for Jin to figure it out; after all he wasn’t interned because he was stupid. Ryo was maybe doing his best to fool the doctors and nurses but they weren’t watching him as close as Jin was. Ryo was faking it.

Of course, he was an excellent actor. Jin thought once thought that of himself but as he was now hospitalised he finally admitted that he had deluded himself. But Ryo was nearly perfect in his role; the way he spoke to the doctors, the way he threw temper tantrums to the nurses to the way he twitched and could stare freakishly blankly into space. Perhaps Jin would have been fooled too if Uchi hadn’t had his breakdown in the patient’s lounge on a morning when Jin was intently watching  Ryo. It hadn’t been hard to catch the utter broken look in Ryo’s eyes to see that Uchi, a patient that Jin had barely noticed and couldn’t even tell how long he had been sharing the same facility as Jin, meant something.

Uchi had been confined to a private room for two weeks, doped with medications to appease the hallucinations that plagued him to rock back and forth on his bed. Or so said one of the new nurse that apparently didn’t take the warning to stay three feet away from Jin. He had cornered her in the staircase, knowing that there wasn’t any camera angle at the left corner. He used his long agile fingers to play her like an instrument while he bombarded her with hushed questions. She sang him everything she knew like a little bird and gave him luscious looks ever since.

He had waited with anticipation Uchi’s return expecting fireworks or any explosive reactions. He was almost giddy that day and was the first one to arrive in the common where he proceeded to change place five times to get the better view. Uchi had looked as stiff as a metal rod but nothing happened to Jin’s biggest disappointment. Since, the three of them engaged in their starring contest during which Jin concluded that Ryo was faking it all.

The final answer in one word to why was obviously Uchi however Jin craved to know the rest of the story.

Two nurses arrived with their sunny disposition and announced that they would escort the part of the group for a joint therapy session. Most of the patient grumbled but followed like baby ducks after their mother. It left the seat next to Ryo open.

“Why are you faking ? Is Uchi your lover?” Jin asked, his questions unfiltered by any speckle of subtlety.

Ryo’s head wiped toward him, his jaw hung wide enough to stuff a few flies in, his eyes were comically huge with a manga character.

“How? What? What the hell are you talking about?” Ryo regained his pissed off attitude after stuttering a bit. Meanwhile Uchi kept starring at the wall.

“You’re faking it. For him.” Jin repeated pointing Uchi with his jaw, he leaned back in the chair, hooking his thumbs to his jeans pockets.

“How do you know?” Ryo growled in a tone that would have sent everyone running scared, but didn’t faze Jin at all. Truth was, nothing bothered Jin which was one of the symptoms that lead him here in the first place. Jin shrugged, looking at the clock wondering which flavoured pudding would be on the menu today. His lack of an attention span was another symptom.

“How do you know? Tell me!” Ryo grabbed Jin’s collar and pulled the man until Jin’s face was an inch away from Ryo’s.

“I just know. No one else does though.” Jin blew on his bangs that fell over his eyes. The words seemed to calm him down as Ryo released Jin slowly but didn’t move away. The two were nearly pressed together.

“Akanishi-san. You know the rules.” Warned a nurse who had just entered the room. He gave her his most seductive smile before pushing his chair so he was a two feet away from Ryo.

“What was that?”

“For your own good, can’t be sitting too close to people.”


Jin smirked shifting a bit closer toward Ryo, gesturing him with his index finger.

“Because I’m a sociopath.” Jin replied before waving to the nurse who scolded but her attention was soon on other patients. Ryo froze for a moment but resolve showed on his face.

“So what? I’m crazy too.” Ryo snarked using his best “you’re stupid” voice.

“For being here on your free will, yeah, you’re crazy.” Jin whispered before rising up to his feet, he had leaned too close for the nurse’s comfort who had made a move to warn him once more. She stopped in her tracks when she realised that Jin was leaving.

Ryo glared at him but kept a probably very poisonous reply in his mouth as the nurse was still watching them. Jin waved at Ryo with his hand poised in the victory sign. Jin passed behind Uchi on his way to his room and clapped on his shoulder earning him a  surprised “What the hell?” from the man.

Jin glanced at the nurse who approached him with disapproval on her face.

Uchi glared at Jin.

Ryo starred at the wall.

He was screwed now that someone knew his secret, all of his planing since learning had been thrown in here were wasted because he had been careless. As he listened to the nurse scolding Jin, he wondered just how long until he was exposed.

But, as he turned his head and looked at a pissed off Uchi, being more himself than he had been for months.

Well, what the hell. It will have been worth it.


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