(no subject)

Feb 24, 2005 11:08

Well I have the worst 4 days in a row ever...lets recap

8:00 am monday: Wake up, go to Nate's to take quizzes for Flight Physiology, computer dies, I miss the quiz and then talk to the prof, and he hooks me up and let me retake them

5:00, study for Health and Wellness mid term

6:00, take mid term and do well

7:00-12:00: Go to library and find soruces, come home begin source list, then go to bed

7:30 am Tuesday: Get up, go to Aviation Weather, take quiz...do kinda shitty.

9:00: finish up referance list and shower and eat

12:30: Go to IME 102, find out I have shit do on Thursday

3:30: Run 20 minutes and it feels great, high point of week for sure.

5:00: Find articles for Flight Safety to summerize, this was due on Monday by the way.

7:00: Go to best buy with lost and buy Say Anything, which I still haven't watched.

8:00: Go to Nate's to take quizzes, my computer fucks up huge, get home call Dell, spend 45 minutes on hold, get charged $40 to talk to a Hindu dude who gives me instructions.

1:15: give up on homework, talk to Chelsie, go to bed feeling better, yet stressed

11:30 am Wednesday: wake up, chill, go to jogging, run 20 minutes give or take a few, come home shower

4:00: start summerizing my articles, finish up around 8:00 pm

8:15: At Nate's beginnig to study for the mid term for Aviation Weather

11:30: recieve call from Zach about Keith punching out the window in the front door

12:30: recieve call from Zach about the cops and fire trucks coming to take care of that drunk bitch

1:15 am Thursday: still studying

2:30 am: Take a break to go to 7-11 to get Mountain Dew and realize that my car has been towed.

3:00 leave to get my car, and lose $80 to those fucking nazi bastards

3:45: arrive back at Nate's, pop another aderall and study more

6:45: sleep depervation kicks in, start on coffee

7:30: head to take exam and do not so well unlike I planned and hoped

8:45: drive home, then to Mejiers and Target to pick up shit for my Aviation Saftey

9:00 start shaking and monster headache sets in

10:30: turn in Aviation Saftey project

11:00 type outline due at 12:30 for IME 102

11:21: wishing I was dead and praying that tomorrow comes quickly

this shit isn't over yet either.

So for the past 23 hours and some odd minutes I have lived off 3 pieces of pizza, a few beers, caffinee, water, tabacco products, and aderall.

Thank you to those few who have helped me keep my head up somewhat. Can't wait for tomorrow because tomorrow won't be today.
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