May 03, 2005 17:53
wow... today was a kinda weird day i got home really early (because emily brick gave me a ride home) and when i came home i go in my room and like everything is gone (ok just my tv, dvd player, and a couple other things)so i call up my dad and im all wtf? u took all my stuff i want it back!! and i was really pissed because i did nothing wrong to make him take my shit away... so hes all im sorry... your mom told me to do it, i'lll bring it back... and then before i hung up the phone he goes... "Tina do you love me?" and i mean i didnt know how to answer back... i was so caught off guard and im like "yeah i guess" and hes like "well shouldnt a father and a daughter love eachother it's like i dont even know you" now im sitting here in my kitchen and hes on his cell phone God knows where and for the first time it seriously felt like he was my dad... like seriosuly we've never really talked like that before and i was caught off guard it was just soo weird i dont even know the man.........
Well, lifes too short, so love the one you got
'Cause you might get runover or you might get shot
Take a small example, take a tip from me
Take all of your money, give it all to charity
It all comes back to you, you'll finally get what you deserve
Try and test that you're bound to get served
Love's what I got
Don't start a riot
You'll feel it when the dance gets hot