New experience today: starting and not finishing a race. Two miles into the Reeds Lake Run 5k I dropped out, overcome with lactic acid and feeling nauseous, stiff, out of breath and mentally fatigued. I was not on pace for a PR and had actually started out kind of slowly for me
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Comments 2
It is to this, possibly with the subsequent increase in mileage, that I attribute the recent hamstring troubles. After a few days of rest and easy running in bare feet and the Fivefingers, I ran a 16:58 yesterday morning at Max's Race, in the Fivefingers.
Tonight, after a few miles in the shoes, my left achilles feels fucked.
Take care of your hams and achilles. They can take a long time to heal if they're aggravated, although I've had various strains and inflammation in each and rarely felt any effects of the injury two weeks later with reduction/ice/stretching.
16:58 is a pretty good way to come back from a DNF. I'll have to give that a try.
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