Apr 19, 2009 21:22
Well, it seems like I finally got around to creating an lj-account after all - I've been a longtime lurker, so if I friended you, it's probably because I already follow your journal, like your fic, your art, or just generally think you're an awesome human being.
I'm a student from a little village somewhere in Germany and English isn't my native language, so I'll try to use this as an opportunity to improve my language skills, like I already do by reading a frightening amount of Fanfiction. (You too can gain good grades in English! Through Fanficion!)
I'm a slasher at heart, and I stick with my OTPs, come hell or high water. I came into fandom through Anime and Manga, which I still love, and eventually migrated to TV shows. Stargate Atlantis has been my major fandom (and McShep my favourite OTP) for at least a year now, even though I got sucked into Bandom, which is pretty damn addictive. And to think that I once told myself I'd never read RPF - Pretty boys, wearing down my boundaries one at a time...
Other things I love are Merlin, being human, the Daily Show, and many more. I also read a lot of books, especially series like Discworld and the Dresden Files.
So, from this post you can probably see what my journal is going to be all about. Feel free to say hi if you want to - I can always use the practice.