Once again including my ITPE project, even if it technically belongs in January, I've posted 11 podfics in 2017.
Longest: before things come together, 04:36:18
Shortest: people headin' out for the sun, 09:04
3 collabs
Total time: 09:37:19
Additionally, I took part in two big multi-voice projects.
What was the best podfic you made this year?
before things come together has been very well received, and I am really proud of it. I think it suits my reading style well, and I put a lot of love into it. I'm really glad that people have given it a try even if they're not in BTS fandom!
Somewhat to my own surprise, I realized that
They Have Taken Photographs of Our Footprints in the Dust (SW: Rogue One) also counts into 2017's stats. I posted it so early in January that it feels forever ago, but that one is also a strong contender and personal favourite.
What was the best cover you made this year?
I'm still pleased with how the cover for
Wheelhouse (Bond movies) came together, so it's either that or the one for
SUP, SO SEDUCTIVE (BTS) for the font combination. Both pretty minimalist, but that's what I'm good at. And while I actually made it in 2015 or 2016 (I think), I've always been very pleased with the cover I made for
While Recognizing the Importance of Luck in Certain Situations, Eve Genoard Continues to Disapprove of Gambling (Baccano!)
Personal favourite, for whatever reason?
SUP, SO SEDUCTIVE (BTS) is up there among my favourite things I've ever made, I love it SO MUCH. I'm super proud of it, too. I don't usually do straight-up PWPs, but I think it came out really well and hopefully pretty hot. Also it's hilarious, and I always love the funny ones best.
pack off the sunset glow (SEVENTEEN) is a late but strong contender for that very reason.
Most underappreciated?
While Recognizing the Importance of Luck in Certain Situations, Eve Genoard Continues to Disapprove of Gambling (Baccano!), one of my collabs with Rhea. Then again, the Baccano fandom is like, 3 people, and that already includes Rhea and me. I was also expecting a bit more for
i want you (really, i mean really) (BTS) because, well. It's a really cute and funny coffee shop au? But in general BTS fandom has been absolutely wonderful to me and my work, so I really can't complain.
Most difficult to make?
Down River Road (Haikyuu!!) gave me some trouble because the voices didn't quite work out the way I wanted them to, and
before things come together (BTS) was a struggle because I had only just gotten into kpop and the Korean names were really difficult. I did my best, though!
That aside I'm actually really pleased with everything I've posted this year and I feel like I've improved a lot in a couple of ways. I'm trying to become less of a perfectionist, and as a consequence I've become a lot faster at editing. Most of my recent podfics have an incredible turn around time from when I started recording to the date of posting, and even
They Have Taken Photographs of Our Footprints in the Dust was completed within 8 days.
Most "ah ha ha I can't believe I'm doing this"?
SUP, SO SEDUCTIVE (BTS), definitely. I mean, it's lingerie porn. I did something really silly with the music. And just the recording experience was very weird. I read the fic shortly after it was first posted, laughed my ass off, asked for permission and then recorded and posted it in two days, laughing even more throughout the entire thing. Again,
pack off the sunset glow (SEVENTEEN) is a runner up for how it had me belting out songs at 9 PM, hoping really, really hard that our downstairs neighbours wouldn't be able to hear me.
Biggest learning experience?
All my kpop podfics, in general. I'm already working on a base level of two languages with any podfic I record, English and German, and adding Korean to that, even if it's just names, was pretty difficult. More so than with anime fandoms, because I can at lest speak Japanese, too. Also, hearing peoples' actual singing and speaking voices as much as I did with the amount of kpop videos I watched, it was surprisingly difficult to find some character voices. I didn't really have that problem back in bandom, but then I didn't watch nearly as many interviews etc. back then.
What's next?
A weirdly competitive part of me wants to record enough podfic for one or two fandoms that they overtake hockey on my AO3 profile, hah. I have a couple projects I'm currently working on that I'm very excited about, and some vague plans for future podfics. And I want to record some more collabs! I finally hit 50 podfics in 2017, so I wonder what next year will bring. Probably not 100, but maybe 80? We'll see. ;D