Today I went to visit a friend from Uni so she could cook for me. :D We had a great time! First we went for a swim in her boyfriend's neighbours' pool, which, wow, how rich are these people that they have a proper pool, Jesus Christ. After dinner she, her boyfriend and I went to see The Dark Knight Rises, about which I have thoughts! Well, observations. I went in with zero expectations and zero knowledge about the franchise, not having seen the earlier movies, because I kind of don't care about Batman? IDK. I care about exactly one character in the Batman universe, but that is going in the spoilery section.
Before the showing there was a trailer for Bourne Legacy, which got me VERY excited, and Looper, which gave me JGL feelings yet didn't entice me to watch it, and also some other trailers which I kinda forgot about. Now then, onto the spoilery bits:
-Blaaaaaaaaaake! <3 Unsurprisingly, I liked him a lot, and not just because of JGL. You see, the only character in the Batman universe I care about is Robin. Specifically, Tim Drake Robin, but whatever. I liked the way Blake was written and thought it was a nice how he was basically a Robin-esque sidekick, so I was super gleeful about the revelation of his name. If I caught it before the reveal, it was probably very obvious to everyone else, as well. I'm usually not good with these things. :D But yeah, even without that I really liked his character.
-Selina Kyyyyyyyyyyyle! <3 I really liked her (except for one thing, but more on that later). How cool was the fact that her cat ears are actually goggles? Still not convinced about the heels, though. Sure, they're sharp, but how about sharp things attached to normal boots? That would work just as well and be more practical. Oh well, can't have everything. :/
- I honestly have zero opinions on Batman himself. *shrugs* Alfred was awesome though! Stop making me cry because of your face, Michael Caine! I have no emotional attachment to these characters!
- There were some really great one-liners and comedic moments in this movie! That moment where Catwoman disappears and Batman is like 'So that's what that feels like'? Awesome. :D
- Now, this was a very, very long movie. @.@ They should have cut it down more. I personally didn't really feel the time, but I wouldn't watch it at home (probably), because dear god, almost 3 hours? I'd get distracted really fast.
One scene I really disliked was the first Bane/Batman confrontation. It was probably meant to be a big thing, but I just thought it was boring and went on for too long. The lack of music didn't help, and neither did the fact that the on-lookers all seemed so bored.
- The voices. They added an artificial quality to Bane's voice, but it was way too loud. I'm not sure if they used Tom Hardy's usual voice actor. (JGL's German voice actor is awesome, btw. Loveliest voice.) And the Batman voice? Jesus, that sounds ridiculous. I get that Wayne would change his voice, but come on. <.<
-Regarding the villains: since I hadn't seen the previous movies, their motivation was very unclear to me. Bane was properly threatening, but I really quite liked the twist at the end regarding Miranda Tate's identity. Didn't see that coming. However, does that mean she was the one who planned all of it?
- Speaking of that plot twist scene, why the fact is it possible to stab a knife through the bat suit? Seems like a glaring design flaw to me.
- Another WTF moment: why let all those cops sacrifice themselves when you have what basically amounts to A FLYING MACHINE GUN pointed at all those criminals? I get that getting the trigger is important, but how about sparing a few seconds to fire at the bad guys? Ugh.
- By the way, does anyone have an idea about the realistic effects of the bomb exploding out over the ocean?
- One thing I really liked was that this movie actually gave me a feeling of dread, which isn't something I really experienced before. First time was the part where they let the prisoners free and the other was when they hung those people from the bridge. *shudders*
- Ugh, romance. -.- that was super unnecessary. I get the Miranda Tate part because that gives the twist more impact, I guess, but couldn't they have developed that a bit better? It felt very sudden and out of nowhere. And don't get me started on the Selina part of things. >:( Unnecessary as fuck.
- Oh hai Cillian Murphy, you look adorably deranged. Apparently you're reprising a role? I don't know, I haven't seen the other movies. Also, can someone please tell me if I was hallucinating when I saw Owen from Torchwood in this movie? You know, that guy who was with evil corporate guy that got killed by Bane?
Next week I'm also going to see Brave and possibly Magic Mike. I never go to the cinema unless I do, and then I go frequently. :)