I urge you to read this book. <3 Three kick-ass princesses on a quest, a suspenseful story, a through and through delightful read and canon femmeslash - do I need to say more?
The basic story is this: Danielle (Cinderella), Talia (Sleeping Beauty) and Snow (as in White) set out to rescue Danielle's husband, Prince Armand, who's been kidnapped by Danielle's stepsisters. Awesomeness ensues.
Talia is by far my favourite and her past really is a quite realistic interpretation of the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. And rather heartbreaking. From her surname and her appearance I'd suppose she's from what would probably be the equivalent to our Middle-East in their world? The artwork on the cover makes me think so, anyway.
The cover, by the way, is really pretty (if you ignore the strange shade of pink the artist used for Danielle's face), especially compared to the German cover, which I saw on the author's website.
Now, onto the spoilers:
- Talia and Snow. OMG. While I was reading I kept slashing them, as you do, and then Talia's kiss of true love (<3) actually breaks the curse cast on Snow? Sure, I thought there were hints, but I never thought there were hints. I can not describe how hard I squeed at that scene. Only to find out a moment later that it's apparently one-sided (But hey, in my definition of curse-breaking kisses, true love is involved on both sides.). So if this doesn't get resolved during the next two books, I swear to God, Jim Hines, I will...I don't know. Be incredibly frustrated, most likely.
- Red hood is an assassin! It's just like in that one manga by Kaori Yuki! Only without Yuki-san's obsession with large breasts, even if Snow is apparently rather well endowned. (Wait, can you use that phrase when referring to a woman?)
-Foreshadowing! Could the Duchess be anymore ominous?
- I can haz some more characterization for Armand, plz? I guess it can't be helped with him being held captive for most of the book, but maybe in the next one?
I shall now go and order the next two books. Meanwhile, Fanfiction, anyone? *is hopeful*