In two weeks time I shall be free to rejoice in the joy that shall be holidays without lots of things that must be done. This shall be most excellent, although I shall probably be having to avoid studying for the exams of evilness and be panicking over the problem that although I have read heaps of books over the past two years most of them do not qualify for the reading log and I will be doomed.
Anywho, until that time when I am free for a couple of weeks I shall become a stress bunny (who will probably actually post more while procrastinating) due to the large amounts of internals that teacher like to pile onto us poor unsuspecting students at the end of each and every term to make sure that we actually work (and to systematically destroy our will to live). Before the aforementioned two weeks of relative freedom I am to endure five internals, a couple of practice tests, and the ever persistent loss of weekends due to guiding (which has found even more ways to eat my life)
So after that short and thrilling summary of a small portion of my doom I must evacuate the computer in order for it to be terrorised by the younger sibling.