(no subject)

Jan 30, 2005 21:12

Okay, that was freaky as hell. I mean I literally started burning up while I was singing. I could feel my body get all hot and it was like my blood was boiling. I was lucky that Benny was home otherwise I would of been fucked and burnt to a crisp. I'm not even really sure what happened either, I mean its like all the emotions I had about what was going on and stuff in the past were coming to the surface and burnign me out with the singing. Which you know what? Would of never happened if those fucking actors could of gotten a simple task right and gotten my soul but nope!

Well whatever, after my little smoke display, Benny decided that she wanted to talk to Giles. He pretty much told us the same stuff that he does when he doesn't know whats going on. *mimics him* "We aren't quite sure of the source of this but we have some very promising leads at this moment". Right sure, possible leads. I'm guessing the leads consist of that this could possibly be be a spell, a demon, or a demon with a spell, or some strange anomaly. Which narrows it down SO well. Well at least the trip wasn't completely useless. He told us that there are people burning up all over town and that they would keep a look out for Mikka. And heh, the look he gave when I said that Benny was related to me followed by the glasses cleaning? Pretty much made my day.

But to add to everything, now Rhia and her cubs showed up to join the insanity which is this place. Apparently Des got a vision (or hearsion? I'm not sure, apparently there were no visuals or something) about some people that she regonized burning up. Good news was that she didn't seem to hear my voice in the vision (or whatever) so I think I'm safe. Bad news? Now to add to the freakage going out here, I am now worried about one of the cubs burning up. Which great, just when I thought i could go out and enjoy watching people burn up, but no. Gotta make sure its not one of the cubs or someone else I know first. Joy.

Eh, at least I got to see Eric do the moonwalk and a whole musical number. That was pretty entertaining.

And Mikka? Very much with the missing. Its really starting to freak me out, we've been looking everywhere for her. And I mean pretty much anyone that would hear me out. And still no real sign of her. I'm really hoping nothing bad happen to her like her being burned up. But I'm still doubting that, because Mikka has never been repressed, considering that would require her to be able not to say every thought that pops in her head I'll just keep looking around for her, ask around in the demon bars. You know, try to force some information out of the demons by intimidation....which would work a lot better if I wasn't 5'. Eh, I'll just hit it out of them.
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