Jan 21, 2005 20:33
You know whats weird and scary and bad? Everyone breaking into songs, thats what weird and scary and bad! Seriously dude, I thought the apocalypse was bad! But this, dear god, I am starting to be a firm believer that this is indeed much much worse than any apocalypse. I mean come on, SINGING AND DANCING. At one point a bunch of people at work started singing and dancing about the horrible office coffee. I mean sure, okay the coffee tastes horrible but you should just buy some and not sing about it! Because dear god, disturbing.
And its all over the town too! I swear, its like a horrible nightmare of some sort. Of course Benny likes it and wants to know if this usually happens cause it reminds her of home. For the love of anything holy I hope not!!! We gotta find out whats causing this, and then kill it. Kill it so horribly until there is nothing left to cut up on this demon or whoever caused it.
Also? Apparently Mom dropped by and dropped off some plum pudding for me with matches. Oh yay, it went right out the window into the dumpster like all the other food she gives me. Part of me? Hopes that it is her that caused the singing spell. That way? I have a good reason to kill her. Wouldn't that be nice?
One good thing that I heard during the atrocious work. Apparently there's talk of Pan wanting to spread his message of love, and he needs souls to do it. Now, isn't that convienent? I mean just what I was looking for awhile now, a way to get rid of this pesky soul. Plus you know, Pan is Rhia's relative, so I know he won't be another Martha. Which is very good, because that whole slavery thing really really sucked. I heard he has a couple of his people here, so I might as well try to find them here and tell them all about the free soul up for grabs.
India called today and seemed pretty freaked out about something. I'm not really sure what, she wouldn't say. But made me kinda worried. Maybe its just the whole musical thing, maybe she started singing too. I know its fucking freaky for me to think that at any moment there could be a musical number.
*music starts to que and he gets a look of complete horror on his face. Quickly runs outside and finds to his dismay, the music followed. Groans loudly and swears*
I've been the needle and the thread
Weaving figure eights and circles round your head
I try to laugh but cry instead
Patiently wait to hear the words you've never said
*starts walking down the sidewalk*
Fumbling through your dresser drawer forgot what I was looking for
Try to guide me in the right direction
Making use of all this time
Keeping everything inside
Close my eyes and listen to you cry
*is now standing near a lamppost near India's window. Puts a foot on the base, grabs hold of it with one hand and twirls on it. Holds the other hand up in the air*
I'm lifting you up
I'm letting you down
I'm dancing til dawn
I'm fooling around
I'm not giving up
I'm making your love
This city's made us crazy and we must get out
*music starts to fade, quickly jumps off the lamppost and looks around to see if anyone saw that*
God I hope India wasn't home to see that. Or you know, anyone.