Nov 01, 2004 20:12
Life is getting back slowly to how it was before. Well the town is anyway. The mayor wanted as many people back as possible for the election tomorrow. What the fuck ever, nice to see his priorities are straight. His town nearly gets destroyed by Turok Han and he just cares about getting votes. I'd say that's horrible but thats policitians for you. Evil and self-asorbed to the core. Good thing I'm not a citizen here, means I don't have to give a crap. Though not like it will be much of a competition for the guy, considering his opponent is dead.
Then again, a major portion of the townspeople are of the undead persuasion, maybe they would vote for a fellow dead guy to represent them. Who knows.
I'm getting sick of hobbling around, having a fucked up leg sucks. Not to mention having the cuz on my ass all the time making sure I don't do anything else. Jesus, isn't she the one who got herself shot in the stomach? Where does she have room to talk. At least India isn't being freaky about it all, though she freaked out about it a bit. Which can't blame her since I was pretty damn freaked myself. And walking around with crutches well it just sucks in general.
Heh, though there is one plus. Dylan and Connor needed to go to some dead town in Montana to get this key-thingamagig. Well since I couldn't take them due to the fact that I would be slowing them up with my new set of crutches, Penn went instead. And well, the other day when I asked him how it went when I passed him in the hall? All he did was snarl at me and muttered about how he hated Montana. So I guess I lucked out on that.
Everyone is doing what they can to clean up in Sunnydale, I'm not so sure what I should do myself. I'm no help with the actual clean up because of my leg, and I can't go on a roadtrip like I told India I would since I can't ride my bike with this leg. So I feel like I'm kinda caught in the middle right now. Can't help but can't leave either. Force to spend a lot of time in the apartment resting, which I don't like. Too much time to think and reminense and shit. So I visit people a lot, try to stay away from there as much I can. Though I stopped visiting Mikka since she's getting pissed at me that I'm not resting, and keeping her from resting. That and Rixte keeps trying to give me pixie food. Which dear god, what is she trying to do? Do what they do to horses when they get broken legs and kill them off?
Maybe I'm suppose to spend this time trying to figure out what to do with my life. I mean the apocalypse here is over, Ashmore is dead and gone. Other than LA, everything is going back as it was before. Well, seems like everything but my life. My life didn't go back to what it was before, I'm not the same guy I was before. I know that. Joan is still gone and I know we'll never be back together again. I've moved on, yeah it still hurts to think about her, but I've moved on from her. India is just a fling, but she's a start. Hopefully she's done the same with me.
I know one thing, I want out of this town for awhile. I don't know where I'll go, but as soon as I can I want to get out of here. India can still come if she wants, though I'm not sure if she'd enjoy it that much. I kinda just want to find myself again, since I seem to have lost him along the way. Don't ask me what the hell that means, I'm not sure myself really. Its just, I don't feel the same way I used to. Its almost like this apocalypse has sucked me dry. Hell, I'm not even sure if it was just the apocalypse. I just know I'm a lot more tired than I used to be, my passion for stuff has been knocked out of me. Not sure if I can find it again, but hey, I gotta try. Besides, anything to get out of this town for a bit right?