Really good day

Jun 13, 2011 23:37

Today was very good.  Here is a list of the things I did.

- True puppy woke me up, and when she did I was fully rested (really good start).
- Worked on program development for Polaris (so much fun! seriously.  I am a geek)
- Worked on plans for teaching at the gifted school next year (see above)
- Took a bubble bath.
- Planned a party.
- Read interesting articles.
- More general productivity on Polaris.
- Rode my bike for an hour in the sunshine and 75 degree weather.
- Made a really wonderful dinner for Steve and myself (chicken/apple sausage and sweet potato cooked in olive oil, honey, muscato, paprika, and pepper, and a salad of baby spinach, blueberries, strawberries, honey roasted almonds, honey goat cheese, and blueberry-pomegranate dressing)
- Cleaned puppy poo from the back yard (not awesome, you think? consider the alternatives)
- Made guacamole
- Practiced with weapons for an hour at Heritage Park as the sun went down
- Watched three deer graze right next to the path leaving the park
- Took True puppy on a walk in the dusk (the sky was a STUNNING blue when we set out)
- Watched the waxing gibbous moon rise in Scorpio and cast blue shadows everywhere
- Watched the Summer Triangle come out
- Saw the first fireflies of the season
- Had a Bailey's-Chocolate sundae
- Chatted with friends
- Snuggled with Steve

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