Jun 13, 2008 01:30
Never thought I'd say it, but 'MOVE OVER HARRY POTTER!' So I've become totally OBSESSED with another book series. 'Twilight' by Stephanie Meyers is like freaking crack to me. My friend Rebecca got me hooked. It all started when I went into work last Tuesday and Rebecca comes at me talking a mile a minute about this book and how she was so sorry she flaked out on me for the wedding show but she just couldn't put down this book and all she had been doing was reading and she hadn't ate for like 3 days. And I was just like 'uh huh.' So apparently the fact that I read this book was so important that she drove home during her lunch break to bring them to me. 36 hours and 1800 + pages later I'm now completely hooked and in love with yet another fictional character. Very healthy, I'm sure. So if you're bored and need a guilty pleasure/summer read (extremely EASY) read, pick up the book and join the 'Edward is so freaking ridiculously hot!' club. Then let me know you read it so we can discuss how amazingly awesome and addicting it is or the fact that you think I'm crazy. Either way is good, just let me know. And once again I apologize to my wonderful fiance who loves me despite all my emotional infidelities with fictional men who don't technically exist.