Sep 17, 2010 21:43

I don't know who's idea of a joke this is, but if he person who left slime all over my things doesn't own up before I find you, and I will find you, I will dismember you starting from your toes and work my way up, then throw all the pieces over board. I'll finish by mounting your head on my door to serve as reminder to all other miscreants (only years of proper upbringing stopped her from swearing) why they should not touch my clothes.

If you choose to confess, I can be merciful.

(And by merciful, she means that the person will still be able to walk, or maybe crawl, from the encounter afterward though not necessarily with the same amount of body parts they walked in with. It's probably a good thing that whoever was responsible is intangible...)

(OOC: I'm strangely happy to be able to use this avatar...)

on the war path, why do you do this to me rong-er? why?

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