Merry Christmas

Dec 25, 2009 06:22

Merry Christmas, you guys.

I've been on the web since I became a teenager, back in the days of dial up and dinosaur hunting, and have probably spent more time than is physically good for you online, and I'd never trade it for the world. I've met lots of awesome people, great friends, funny ranters (Your gaming rants are awesome, Raz, and the cause of much of my picked up gaming) and quite simply would not be the same person I am today if I hadn't stumbled upon that so long ago.

So thanks, everybody. You're all on my mind, even if it's been forever since I've talked to you. I'm pretty damn proud of the person I've become, and the memories I've made so far, and look forward to making more.

Much Love and Manly Fist-Bumps,

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