Cars Crashed and Love... Lost?

May 26, 2009 16:54

Note: Don't read if you don't want to hear semi-whiny ramblings about the aftermath of a car crash. I just need to let this out somewhere, why not here?

So, I got in my first car crash yesterday. I was following my Dad home from South Georgia and our camping trip when he moved to pass a car. I was afraid of losing him so I also tried to pass the car not seeing the double yellow lines. Another car came around the curve just as I can up beside the car I was trying to pass. I guess I got lucky because in the few split seconds I had to decide I turned to the left and not the right, and did not end up crashing into the woman and her daughter. Instead I swerved off into the ditch by the side of the road and hit the elevated driveway that acted as a ramp sending the car fifteen feet into the air and 63 feet sideways, as measured by the police at the scene. The car came down, breaking the axle and the windshield, but fortunately everyone was wearing their seatbelts and nobody was killed. I tapped the other car, swerving off the road, but fortunately they saw me swerving off the road and turned back onto the road, and all we did was scrape a maybe foot long bit of paint off each others' sides.

Nobody was seriously hurt, as I said. The guy behind me broke his nose and hurt his back a little, while my brother in the passenger side was turned towards me and the airbag gave him two long, but shallow cuts on the cheek and forehead, and chipped his front tooth nearly in half. That was the worst of it. The car got totaled. I think I already mentioned that the axle got broken. Other than that, we were all extremely fortunate.

The insurance is even covering everybody's medical bills, though not the damage to the car, which nobody cares about anyway, as it only cost 150 at the local car auction. I am no longer going to be covered on my grandparents' coverage, which I very much understand, as this wreck will probably destroy their insurance prices anyway. All in all, physically, everybody got away fine.

Mentally, I can't get over the fact that a couple of inches were all that separated life and death. I could have possibly killed four other people simply because I did not wish to get lost. Three of them far, far too young to be faced with that kind of chance. Not only that, but I have disappointed my grandparents, since they told me specifically they did not want me to drive with more than one passenger in the car, and since they believed I was smarter than to do stuff like this. I know my Dad is feeling guilty, that if I hadn't tried to follow him I'd've been fine. And I feel bad for the broken nose and chipped tooth, since those are scars that will remain to show that they were in the car with an idiot driving.

Not all is bad, however. I don't think you can ever truly appreciate family until they have been there for you in a crisis. My grandparents took care of all the insurance things and my Dad took care of everything with the police and hospital. And everyone, including my aunt, my brother, my Dad, and my grandparents, have helped to make me feel better, no matter that the whole thing was my fault. Gods I love them all, and thank any deity that would listen that I have such a family.

As for the other topic in my title, the night I got back, just after being scolded by my grandparents and feeling sorry for myself, I called up my girlfriend since she told me earlier that she wanted to speak with me when I was somewhere private. It turns out, she wanted us to take a break from one another. She told me she still had feelings for me, but she had been feeling really depressed lately, and I wasn't helping her to cope with it, no matter what I tried. Also, she had angered her mother earlier this weekend, and she was not allowed to drive anymore. With that and my wrecked car, we had no way of seeing each other. So..

I guess I kind of saw this coming. We'd been spending less time together, and whenever we were on the phone, she'd always have to get off for some reason or another when, at the start of our relationship, she used to keep me on the phone anyway. Also, she's been ignoring my calls, I think, and this past week had been finding excuses for us not to see each other when I had free time. It has been awhile since we've been... together, you know, and at first I thought it was because she wanted it to take less time, so we'd have more time to cuddle, but she said that she just didn't feel like it anymore.

I didn't really know what to say, so all I said was 'Okay' and told her I wouldn't call her unless she called me, and that I wouldn't try to come and see her. I still don't know what to say or think. I was perfectly happy in our relationship...

Anyway, she left me a message, so now I'm going to call her back; on top of everything else, she's caught a cold and isn't feeling well.

Thanks for reading this, to anyone who bothered, and I'm sorry I haven't been online much at all in recent memory. Real life takes a lot out of you.

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