Why hello there! I'm ceruleanghost, and I've been a fan of 10th Kingdom for...5 (6?) years now. I love it so much that I rewatch it almost every year, and I love to get all my friends addicted too! Anyway, I'm an avid fan of music and scores to stuff, so of course the 10th Kingdom soundtrack tickled my fancy. However, the soundtrack is fairly rare now (it goes in and out of rareness though)
(I hope this is allowed....) Hmmm.... Lj cuts don't seem to work in this community? Oh well.
The 10th Kingdom by Anne Dudley
This is the Lossless (.wav) version, so it's a bit large, but high quality. (472mb)
Wav version For those who are crunched for space and/or can't download something so huge, here's the normal Mp3 version. (105mb)
Mp3 version small Mp3 version (47mb)