My lady's parents got us hot water bottles for Christmas (mine was embroidered with
Kay Ryan, hers with
Rosalind Franklin), so there's this happy slug-creep of warmth for our poor feet in bed every night; our bedroom's across the apartment from our unit's one gas heater so most night C falls asleep with a knit hat on her head. This has been the head-y-est year change I've ever had. We're planning two weddings, figuring out how to schedule lives and callings, asking ourselves what an ideal week looks like. I have a new blog, notes toward the huge creeping intellectual blob I've always wondered how to write, something about aesthetics and nothingness and anti-authoritarian good cheer, which lives here: named after the place the Underpeople live in Cordwainer Smith's "Instrumentality" stories.
Hello LJ! If you found out this morning you lived in a mesh of bad power relations and people who will never feel like subjects in their own lives, what could you do about it this afternoon? How to live? Who is your raggedy mysterious art for? Have been reading Foucault and George Oppen and Fanny Howe. In the morning, the street gangs tear down the prison and free the prisoners. In the afternoon, the same street gangs start a temporary detention facility for counter-revolutionary elements. What breaks cycles? Do we need redeeming, and from who? Snowed here this morning, thin wide icy flakes that immolated on the ground; my friend Arya calls it "fool's snow." See you again soon LJ!