Tender Situation

Sep 06, 2019 17:59

Thanks for coming to my blog! My name's Jay Thompson, I'm a poet who lives in Seattle WA.

I co-edit an incredible literary magazine called Thermos.

I keep a blog on aesthetics, philosophy, and politics here; the blog you are at right now is different is personal spasms, temporary sunlit modes, and good chat because LJ is the best.

I used to write a weekly column on literature at the Kenyon Review, too, and I have poems in Super Arrow, Microfilme, the Country Dog Review and The Stranger's Seattle Poetry Chain. I also have writing coming out in Kenyon Review Online, EOAGH, Rain Taxi online, Jellyfish, Poetry International, Denver Quarterly, The Laurel Review and Pleiades. I have D&D fiction in Pathfinder (a Dungeons & Dragons fiction and game manual magazine) too. I tutor adults at King County Jail.

I'm part of an arts collective called Princess Seismograph, with whom I printed a zine of my poems, Marry Me. I'll sell you Marry Me (16 pages, 7 poems, really nice art) for $4 including postage if you want (comment below or email me! I'm jaybthompson at gmail), or for trade for your zine or chapbook. Lay it on me, sport!
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