Okay, it's officially open.
Seaborn will be showing up on store shelves sometime this week, and I'm giving away a few things to those who send me pictures of the book on a store shelf.
1. The first person to send me a picture of Seaborn in a store wins a 13 x 18 inch print of my watercolor, Syren Tears, or the digital scene painting, Sea Dragon, which is from Sea Throne, the sequel to Seaborn. Email me a pic and you choose which one you want me to send you.
Click the images for the large view:
Syren Tears (watercolor, 13x18 in. print) Sea Dragon (digital, 13x19 in. print)
2. The second person to send a pic wins the painting not selected above.
3, 4, and 5 pics of Seaborn in the wild, and you get smaller but equally cool art print.