Faces of Kassandra

Mar 07, 2011 21:53

Okay, I have something special planned for next week, but you can get started now.  Here's a sneak peek at a limited edition accordion folded print (signed series of 100).  Each comes with a signed info document (see the single green-shaded image below) I have a handful of proofs and I'm still tweaking--paper's the main issue. It has to fold well.  See my not very sharp, terribly lit shots of one of the proofs below.

Want one?  Easy. Get a copy of Saltwater Witch, Seaborn, or Sea Throne (or all three) and then email me with a simple "I bought Saltwater Witch on my nook" or something like that.  That's all. No addresses or anything else for now.  I'll put your name into the drawing next week.  If you win, I'll email for postal info and send you a cool 5x5 in envelope with your signed and numbered print and info doc.

No excuses. Here are direct links:

How do you read?

Saltwater Witch | Seaborn | Sea Throne

Saltwater Witch | Seaborn | Sea Throne

Seaborn (Juno Books Print Edition)

Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble
Mysterious Galaxy | Google Books
Alibris | BookFinder | WorldCat

Click for a better view!

Here's the info document--click for the full view:

art contest

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