Because Kassandra takes these things personally...

Jun 17, 2010 21:34

Here's her message for the world: Dump sh*t in my water and I'll hunt you down and feed you to some of my carnivorous friends with poor impulse control. (This is Kassandra, the main character from my book Seaborn, and the graphic novel, Saltwater Witch, taking care of business in the Gulf).

You have to click to see the full view:

"Mr Hayward, I want you to meet my friend, Nola--yeah, I know, she's a shark. And she's like a sister to me. You know it's funny, unlike so much of the surface world where it's the male of the species who's the most feared, who dominates the group, the tribe, the herd, the pride, the pack.  In the sea it is, in so many cases, the other way around. In the sea, it's the female who is the real killer, the stronger, larger, and real predator of the species. Male sharks are push-overs. It's the females you have to watch out for.  They're bigger, they're smarter, more controlling, and when they come in for the kill, the males scatter, because, you know, sometimes it's hard to tell them apart from the prey."

saltwater witch, seaborn, bp, hayward, kassandra, gulf oil spill

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