bored outta my mind

Mar 16, 2005 20:14

well as of right now im pretty fuckin bored. im sitting here with some trig hw to do, but i don feel like doing it right now, but hey not like theres anythingg else to do. i guess chris is grounded or sumthing, and damn u nigel and ur work, u should burn in hell for leaving me all by myself to be bored. if u were home we'd be at the mall right now walking aimlessly around, or better yet, we'd be at mediaplay gettin me some headphone. o well im over.

so now wat? o yea school sucks, i had like 2 quizes on thrsday and now they're moved to friday, sweet huh? NOT! cause im not gunna be here cause of a visit to lawrence tech that takes up the whole day. yup so i get to make up 3 test yay for me...o well it'll be fun neways cause free lunch and building things i think. ahh well. yea i just got finished eating chinese food from mui's, general tao's chicken mofo, mmm.
well im happy that the paper i have to write for english is gunna be really easy, like 3-4 classes in the comp lab to write a 1 pasge paper, lol.

yup, well all i know is i was tired as hell today, im not sure if my feet left the ground the whole day, it was like drag, drag, drag, i didnt fall today, but i almost did like 6 times, course it was on the flat tile hallway floor too. damn i need a cigarette, too bad i dont smoke.

well i think i might be gettin sick cause ive been coughing all day. grr, yea and mr. moore made me work out hard before practice so of course tennis was a bitch...not that i could find the practice neways. i finally found my way to the courts around 4ish to find peopl there that werent there at like 3:45. yea since my arms were sore from weight training i couldnt hit the ball in if i tryed.

im still waiting for that match i was promised, me and maksym vs. the almighty junie and kystal. could be a battle to the death, lol. i wish i would get warmer so it would be more funner. cause its cold as hell out there.

im rambling again arnt i? well i guess thats prolly my signal to just stop spewing out random shit and do sumthing construtive. like trigonometry...grr. cya later peoples

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