May 21, 2005 14:25
well yesterday was the end of the tennis season, soo sad... i love tennis, i think ill try and find a summer league or sumthing to keep me busy. yup.
i finally am going to start working soon. ill prolly start working at KFC after memorial weekend ends. yup, that means you should come visit me at work maybe. ill prolly be cookin the chicken and washing dishes, o well money is money.
anyways, tennis regionals was yesterday. no one made it very far, me and ted had to play ligget the first round, so we got eliminated. we put up a good fight though. we managed to win the first game and stay with them the whole fisrt set, but it when downhil from there.
man it seems so crazy when i think about how fast this year has gone by. i mean i cant beleive its already going to be summer. i sure hope this summer is fun. i wanna hangout with everyone i possibly can this summer. i doubt ill be able to though, cause everyone will prolly be too busy to hangout with me. but o well.
next weekend i get to go up north for memorial weekend. it should be interesting i hope i can bring a friend up there with me for the weekend. if i dont get to its going to be a boring ass weekend. maybe ill get that much needed tan that weekend. it would be nice for a change to not look ugly with my shirt off.
well im tired of typing in this thing, so if you still wanna hear my thoughts give me a much needed random phone call, please?, you know the number. alright well peace.