
Jan 02, 2010 18:57

2009 was the last year we could all imagine that politics, the environment, poverty and war are things we could do something about if we just cared hard enough. Here's to 2010 - the year which I think will teach us that no, actually, we can't. Will remind us that we live in a feudal system in which the poor pay towards the privileges of the rich people (or nations) that oppress them. will make us admit to ourselves that we have created a world in which larger and larger numbers of people will be condemned to greater and greater environmental deprivation and suffering.

The year in which fairness, once and for all, goes out the window, and we all have to grow up already. In which the rich and powerful, the violent, the malicious, the selfish, the greedy, rub our collective noses in the fact that while we've been doped up on the petrol fumes of 33% APR prosperity, they've highjacked the power structures from under us and no checks remain in place to stop them expanding the circle of misery to include as many of their fellow human beings as are needed to feed their rapacious egoes.

If the '90s were a decade of resurgent hope and optimism, the 00's have been a decade of sticking one's fingers in one's ears and singing "lalala" in the face of a tsunami. Almost everyone on my FL here and on Facebook are saying good riddance to 2009, but I have an aching heart and a hole at the pit of my stomach, a whispering that we may just miss it after all.
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