Science(tm) Strikes Again

Jul 04, 2009 01:09

So, considering the fact that there is really very little, you know, media bias against women and that, and that the Findings of Science should be respected because, you know, the data is the data and you can't argue with facts, how do you reckon this:

Promiscuous men more likely to rape

Turned into this:

Women who dress provocatively more likely to be raped, claim scientists


I don't normally read The Torygraph, so Ben Goldacre has scooped me to this. I advise you to read what he says, cause he's way cleverer than me, and also because he's not so likely to throw his laptop across the room in a rage.

My own views on the subject, condensed: sodding incompetent victim blaming misogynist rape enabling propagandist ASSHOLES.

bad science, rape

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