According to an Ipsos Mori poll commissioned by the Home Office, a rape victim who has been drinking should be held responsible for her rape - or so think 11% of respondents. A further 25% think that she should be held "partially responsible".
So, ladies, don't drink. Because a full 36% of your fellow country-people - that's over a third -
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I know what that is trying to say - that women don't get raped because they're too attractive for men to resist - but the idea that you can separate sex and power like that always bugs me. Since when was sex not about power - the power to attract, to fascinate, to physically dominate, to trust, to explore boundaries, power over one's own body and the power to consent - and so on and so forth ( ... )
For clarity, is it your assertion that if any of the foregoing form all or part of the motivation for participation in a sexual act, then the act is by definition not freely chosen and is therefore rape, or that these are factors which may influence the classification of an act as rape when taken with other circumstances?
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