West Wing or Green Wing?

Sep 02, 2008 10:12

Richard Schiff - better known as Toby from The West Wing - seems to fancy himself a political commentator all of a sudden. The Indie in their infinite wisdom agree, and have given him a platform to spout his nonsense from.

It's no surprise that Schiff considers both Clinton and Palin as not "capable of stepping into the Oval Office". If a tub of roses and a vat of champagne is all it takes to distract a woman from her political purpose, I wouldn't trust one to run the country either.

Rather than patronise her, he could try to engage with his wife's - and millions of other Americans, never mind that the press insists on disenfranchising them by referring to them only as "women" - genuine sense of dislocation, betrayal, disaffection and alienation in the wake of the Democratic primary campaign.

But therein lies the challenge: the promise of change is a scary proposition.

It's easier to pat us on the head and buy us roses; that way you don't have to engage with the fact that women are political agents with a coherent set of grievances, and that their frustration is a viable force in the future of the US, and therefore the world.

gender stereotypes, hillary clinton, feminism, primaries, politics, us elections

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