Fairy Tale Unhappy Ending/Black Forest/Bondage || Aphro up to you

Nov 24, 2011 17:14

Prince Flynn was as happy as could be. A month ago, while he was hunting in the black forest alone, he had come across someone else. This someone else just happened to be the tomboyish princess of a peaceful neighbouring kingdom, who also enjoyed being out in the woods but had to sneak out of the castle to partake in her hobby. The two of them had ( Read more... )

series: tales of vesperia, pairing: m/f

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healsforjustice December 10 2011, 00:16:33 UTC
"Flynn," was all she could manage to whisper, the blush on her face still present, but Amelia was not much more aware of her heart hammering against her chest. While she knew much more about fighting than being ladylike, the prince always managed to make her feel so feminine, while also acknowledging her strengths. That sincerity just made her love him all the more.

Slowly, she crawled back over to him, placing her hands on side of of his face, just maintaining eye contact with him. It was honestly like she didn't need to say anything to him, her expression showing how much he meant to her, and how important the moment together was.

It didn't take long for her to shift forward, kissing him longingly as she carressed his face. While she poured every emotion she felt for the young man into that gesture, she nervously edged her body closer, until she was pressed up against him fully, straddling on his lap. Even with the ropes in the way, there was no denying the sparks of warmth that shot through her skin as her chest brushed his. There was no holding back, Amelia feeling her breath hitch as she mewed against his lips, as one leg wrapped around him to add more contact. She had a vague idea of what might come from this, and only hoped it would feel as good for Flynn, as her hips shakily rocked into him.


divine_streak December 12 2011, 06:38:14 UTC
Flynn was very grateful that his legs atleast were free. He used this freedom to entwine his around hers as best as he could, as he continued to moan pleasurably into the kiss.

He would be the first to admit that being tied up and having his love be mainly in charge was not exactly how he imagined their first time together. But with all the love he could feel being poured into the kiss, Flynn had nothing to complain about. He poured just as much raw emotion into the kiss. Amelia meant everything to him, she was just as worthy a warrior as he was, and shared similar interests with the young prince. More importantly than that though, he deeply respected and loved her for her kind spirit. Her bold rescue of him earlier was just one of many reasons why he had sworn to always act as her shield. Her willingness to go through this less than desirable situation was yet another. Finally, Flynn had to break for air, but when he did he looked his princess in the eye, cheeks glowing red.

"I love you," it was the only coherent thought in his head, and he felt he had no choice but to give voice to it.


healsforjustice December 12 2011, 12:18:23 UTC
Her appreciation for the contact of their legs touching was apparent, her own limbs rubbing against his as she moaned softly into the kiss. She pressed closer still, revelling in the sensation of his firm chest brushing against the bare skin of her breasts, so warm and soft that it made her shiver with delight.

She would certainly had been inclined to agree with her prince, not having pictured their first time to be like this. Amelia might have been strong and energetic, but she was very much a romantic at heart, picturing Flynn being be the one taking the initiative in this. The image in her head of him hovering over her in that situation was something she still hoped to see in the future. For now, she could still appreciate that, despite being more in charge, what they were doing was still an expression of the extent of their feelings for one another. In hearing that declaration as he pulled back from the kiss, it only strengthened that resolve, Amelia knowing how fortunate she was to have found someone so brave, kind and loving to call her own. She could only hope she could be the girl he deserved, both in that moment and for the rest of their lives.

"I love you too Flynn." she whispered back, leaning in to gently nuzzle his cheek. Her hand clutched one of his bound ones tight, while the other slowly decended down his chest and stomach, pausing only to look up at him, eyes filled with adoration and love. "So please, let me show you how much. Tell me...how I can best make this feel good for you." she spoke softly, her fingers finally tentatively touching the most intimate part of him, ghosting across the skin before gently beginning to stroke across the flesh. It was clear she was unsure of how best to proceed, but she would try her utmost. If he couldn't do much for this, she would make it up to him by making sure he knew how strong her feelings were, by letting him enjoy as much as she could give.


Okay, exams are done. I should be able to do this right now. divine_streak December 17 2011, 22:21:55 UTC
Flynn froze as her words reached his ears. His face turning bright red. He knew what she wanted him to do. There was no doubt about that. The problem was finding the right words to use, and hoping that by confessing his desires to her, she didn't run away.

However, before he could give voice to his desires as she asked him to, he gasped at the feel of her hands doing exactly what he wanted to ask her to do. His gasp turned into a deep and sensual moan and he squirmed further into her embrace.

"That," he breathed. "You're already making this very enjoyable for me. Please.. don't stop."

He tightened his hold on her hand, to assure her that he was with her through every step of this difficult ordeal.


No worries, it's worth the wait. healsforjustice December 17 2011, 22:40:42 UTC
She couldn't really blame him for the apprehension. After all, she knew how innocent and naive she could be, and how she could miss the obvious innuendo present. Still, just because she didn't talk or think about sexual things, didn't mean she was unaware of them. And this was Flynn; there was nothing in her mind he could say that would change her feelings, or make her flee.

Listening to his words, as well as those moans, she continued to do as he asked, grip a little firmer as she pumped up and down. Even so, she was being gentle, her inexperience making her a little scared she would hurt him, but if she could pay attention to the noises he made, she would be fine surely. She was also slowly becoming aware of her own aroused state, shuddering as moisture slowly gathered in between her legs, but for now chose to ignore it in favour of pleasing Flynn, his pleasure being much more important to her.

Squeezing his hand and erection at the same time, Amelia leaned in to kiss and nibble at his neck, lips trailing up before tugging at his earlobe as she kept working. It was strange, her feeling warmer for touching him like this, fingers curiously exploring with her strokes, feeling how big and hard he was becoming. Curious, she paused as she reached the head, tentatively pressing her palm on it, rubbing in circles and hoping any twitches she could feel were a good sign.

"Is...this okay?" she whispered in his ear, adding a little more pressure as she carressed him.


D'awwww. <3 divine_streak December 17 2011, 23:37:55 UTC
And twitch he did, he squirmed and moaned beneath her affections, loving every last second of it. He moaned encouragingly as he rolsed his hips upwards, his body unconsciously craving more of that delicate but oh-so sensual touch. The palm on his head nearly drove him wild.

"Y-yes," he managed to gasp out as he writhed in his bonds. "Please... don't stop..."


*snugs* <3 healsforjustice December 17 2011, 23:50:50 UTC
Hearing him speak like that was good incentive, allowing Amelia to feel a bit more confident in knowing she was making his feel good. How far this would go she didn't know, that was up to Flynn. Whatever he wished, she would comply with, which she affirmed on hearing his request not to stop. "I won't, I'll keep going as long as you want me to."

Changing up between the motions, she stroked him with increasing vigor, before taking time to fondle the tip, alternating between the actions to give him as much pleasure as she could. Her grip tightened just a bit, adding the occassional squeeze at the base to add a small surprise. All the while, her mouth carefullly sucked at his skin, from his ear, down his neck to his collarbone, moaning herself as she kept going. Knowing she was causing him such arousal was enough to make her feel warm, so she would continue for both of their sakes.


<3 divine_streak December 20 2011, 07:47:17 UTC

Flynn gasped as he felt himself become more arroused under his ministrations. She could no doubt feel a bit of moisture at the tip of his shaft as she fondled it. Flynn was happy that she seemed to be becoming more comfortable with this, but he was also ready to proceed to the next stage. He wanted his first time with her to be... very intimate.

"Amelia," he managed to breath in between gasps of pleasure. "If you're not ready I understand, but... I... I want to be inside of you. I'm... I'm ready."


Oh God, the length of this tag, I'm so sorry! ;-; healsforjustice December 20 2011, 09:54:57 UTC
The declaration surprised her, making Amelia cease her actions with her hand. Even in feeling a touch of sticky fluid on his tip, the realisation of what was to come hadn't fully hit her until then. So, this was it. Of course there was no turning back, she couldn't deny Flynn, and didn't want to. Taking a deep breath as she steadied her nerves, and moved into position.

Bracing her hands on his shoulders for support, she lifted her hips to shift above her prince, lining up so she was poised over his arousal. In doing so, the effect of their foreplay on her could be seen, moisture dripping down her thighs, which she hoped would make this a bit easier for both of them. Smiling softly at him, she quickly stole one last kiss, whispering a gentle 'I love you' before descending, shuddering as the tip of his erection brushed her folds, before nudging past them and pushing the head inside.

It wasn't truly painful, but did sting somewhat, the princess stiffening as her body sunk lower and lower, taking more of him in. Her breathing was harsh as she did her best to adjust to the strange sensation, feeling her passage being stretched to accomodate him. It was only when she finally felt herself sitting on his lap, full to compacity that she let out a small sharp yelp. The prickling heat within her walls surged as she registered that something inside her tore; the instant of her losing her virginity.

Of course, knowing Flynn as she did, she was quick to address the matter before she heard any worried comments from him. "I-I'm fine, I...j-just need a moment." she assured him, trying to steady herself as she ache dulled. It didn't really hurt any longer so much as feel...strange, foreign to have something rubbing against her like that. Even so, in a way she felt whole, like she could melt into young man she adored and become one with him.

Once she felt she could deal with any remaining little discomfort, Amelia straightened up, letting one of hands go back in his as she squirmed a little in his lap. Even that action made her inner walls pulse around his erection, so it was best to start slow, especially since she was bit weary about being in charge in this position. Pressing close, she felt her chest brush his as she carefully rolled her hips, experimenting with how it felt. It was an action she was quick to repeat, rocking against her prince each time as discomfort began to be overtaken jolts of pleasure.

"D-Does it feel good...inside me Flynn?" she asked, not about to forget about him, still intending to do anything he requested that would make this better. Considering how she was slowly finding it harder to hold back moans and shivers due to the sensations, she could only hope it was just as good for him as her inner walls constricted and rubbed against him.


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