Fairy Tale Unhappy Ending/Black Forest/Bondage || Aphro up to you

Nov 24, 2011 17:14

Prince Flynn was as happy as could be. A month ago, while he was hunting in the black forest alone, he had come across someone else. This someone else just happened to be the tomboyish princess of a peaceful neighbouring kingdom, who also enjoyed being out in the woods but had to sneak out of the castle to partake in her hobby. The two of them had ( Read more... )

series: tales of vesperia, pairing: m/f

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healsforjustice November 25 2011, 23:55:43 UTC
Little did the occupants of the cottage know that they were being watched. From a high tree branch that overlooked the house, Amelia carefully perched right on the edge, eyes squinting in the dark in getting her aim just right. She only had one chance to catch the enemy by surprise, and she refused to take the risk of barrelling in for fear of what might happen to Flynn. This shot had to count, otherwise who knew what that witch would do.

It had been luck really. She had been held up in a meeting in the Palace in Seyruun, so hadn't been able to leave as promptly as she would have liked. It was during that meeting that the topic of multiple disappearances during recent weeks had arose. All young men, who had last been seen heading into the forest late at night. That alone had made Amelia bolt out of the castle and rush to make sure the prince was alright. She may have arrived too late to prevent the sorceress catching him, but she would make sure no harm would come to him.

"Ra Tilt!" came the cry as the spell was cast, the ball of energy crashing thorough the window and striking the sorceress in this chest, making her shriek in pain. Naturally, that was to be expected in using one of the powerful shamanism spells known.

The imps, terrified of what such a high level incantantion could do to them, let go of the ropes and scurried back in the shadows, disappearing completely. In that time, Amelia herself rushed inside, not wasting a second in getting between the witch and Flynn, placing a barrier up to repel the dark figure, still alive but wounded. Clearly she was too weakened now to take action against the princess, hissing as she disappeared in another flash of green flame.

Once it was safe to lower the shield, Amelia breathed a sigh of relief, quickly turning her attention to Flynn as she knelt down to untie the gag. "Are you alright, she didn't hurt you did she?"


divine_streak November 26 2011, 00:15:31 UTC
(OOC: This post is perfect, don't you worry.)

Flynn looked around startled as the sorceress was struck by the ball of light, stumbling to his knees as the imps scampered off. He let out a relieved exclamation as the woman he loved rushed between him and his would-be captor. He had been so worried! Afraid that his love had been captured by the witch as well, but he should have known she'd be the one to come to his rescue.

As the witch fled, Flynn lifted his chin gratefully as she removed his gag.

"My love," he said, relief flooding his voice. "Thank goodness! I was afraid she may have already gotten to you."


healsforjustice November 26 2011, 00:24:55 UTC
[ooc: Am glad to hear that. <3]

Tossing the rag that had been covering his mouth aside, Amelia set herself to the task of trying to figure out how exactly the ropes were supposed to come off. There were wrapped around Flynn rather tightly, so the sooner they came off, the better, even if once that happened she would need to deal with him being without clothes.

"No, I got held up back home. A good thing too, since I heard the report about that sorceress. She's been capturing a lot of men for black rituals." she explained, still struggling to try and get the bindings off. She did make a point of glancing up, showing her prince an apologetic look. "I'm sorry I worried you though."


divine_streak November 26 2011, 07:41:48 UTC
Flynn sorely wished he could hug his princess right now, but the rope still snugly held his arms against his body. He was resigned to simply giving his dearest Amelia a sweet smile, his eyes full of love and gratitude.

"You have nothing to apologize for," Flynn said softly. "You came here despite great risk to yourself and rescued me from a terrible fate. Were it not for you, I would be that Witch's prisoner by now, or worse. I owe you a debt that can never be repaid, one that I shall never stop trying to repay for as long as I live."


healsforjustice November 26 2011, 13:22:51 UTC
Her focus on trying to free her prince was all that kept Amelia from flushing that much as he looked at her that way. It really did still make her go weak at the knees sometimes at how he could be so openly doting and romantic, not that she minded. It was certainly pleasant considering how some of her fathers advisors had suggested she was ladylike enough, or that her excitable demeanour scared off princes who were looking for a more reserved and quiet bride. It seems she had proved them wrong on both counts.

"There was no other option, I couldn't simply be idle and let her get away with this, least of all knowing you might be her next target. You don't need to be grateful, since it was my own feelings that made me act so swiftly." she admitted, honestly not knowing what she would have done if the sorceress had been successful in stealing Flynn away.

Still, there was a more pressing matter to deal with. Much to her dismay, Amelia found that even using a small fireball near the ropes had no effect, naturally being careful of her love's bare skin. "These must be protected by magic, they won't even burn. I don't how to get you out of these Flynn."


divine_streak November 27 2011, 21:09:39 UTC
Flynn winced a bit from the warmth and proximity of the fire, though it did him no harm. His heart sank as she informed him of the properties of the rope. Sadly he had a faint idea. Before his love had come to his rescue, the witch had sad something in her gloating. Something about a perverse ritual that would make him her slave. And that the ropes would not come undone until they had 'done the act' meaning he would be in bondage either way.

"Amelia," he said suddenly, his face turning beet red. "I have an idea of how to remove the ropes... but you're not going to like it."


healsforjustice November 27 2011, 21:16:45 UTC
As she dispersed the fireball in her hand, she turned her head to look up at the prince, blinking in confusion. Naturally being rather innocently minded, any such implication was lost on her. All that mattered was that there was a way to get rid of the ropes. How could she resent a solution that would help her untie him?

"That doesn't matter, you need to be freed and I'll do anything to get you out of these binds. Please, you can tell me, I won't get upset, I promise." she insisted, lips pursing into a pout as she waited for him to speak, those large blue eyes staring at his face in concern.


divine_streak November 28 2011, 07:10:23 UTC
Flynn couldn't help but smile at the helpfulness in his loves expression. His face lowered though, knowing that her earnestness wouldn't last.

"Before you came to save me," he said softly. "The witch told me her plans. She was going to turn me into her slave by dominating my soul in a ritual in which she.... made love to me."

He looked away, turning bright red. One reason these two were perfect for each toher was their complete inability to talk about something like that so casually.

"She also said that just the act was all that was needed to undo my bonds. That I would simply be passing from one form of bondage to another." Flynn looked up into his loves eyes, his own full of regret and sadness. "My love, if you truly wish to free me... then we'll have to consummate our love earlier than we promised."


healsforjustice November 28 2011, 07:32:45 UTC
Indeed, their relationship could hardly be considered an irresponsible one. They hadn't done more than kiss up until now, and rather chastly at that, so the idea of having to go that far was enough to make Amelia's burn brightly as well.

Her head dipped to stare at the floor trying to process the notion. She knew it would happen eventually, but this was hardly ideal. Flynn would be rather inactive in the whole thing, unable to move much as he was, and Amelia was hardly the assertive sort in such a situation. The idea she would have to act on her own was rather terrifying.

It was the only way though. And...it was Flynn. Even with him tied up, she knew he wouldn't force this. She didn't need to do this, but in how she felt, deep down, she knew she wanted to.

Silently she stood up, moving out of Flynn's line of view for a few moments. However he wouldn't have to wait long worrying about her choice, due to the feeling over small arms circling his body from behind, helping him to his feet and guiding him backwards into the next room, where a bed was ready for them. Carefully, she guided the prince so he was sitting up on the mattress, supported by the headboard, before moving to sit in front of him.

"We're already bonded in every other sense, so I suppose...this is fitting." she mumured, leaning in to press her forehead against his while her hand stroked the side of his face tenderly. "I want this to be more than just out of necessity Flynn, so please be honest. Do you wish to do this with me as much as I want to with you?"


divine_streak November 29 2011, 07:37:44 UTC
Flynn was about to say something. He could tell this was troubling Amelia and he wanted to spare her from that as soon as possible. He was about to suggest they leave this place and go to one of their castles so one of the court wizards could find another way to undo his bonds. But before he could even open his mouth, Flynn found himself being lifted to his feet and led to the bed.

"A-Amelia..." Flynn uttered her name as she lay him down. He blushed, feeling embarassed for being so helpless in front of the woman he cared for more than anything else in the world. But then he hear her speak and felt her hand against his face. Instinctively, he moved his head against her hand, enjoying the feeling and warm sincerity of it. When she asked her question he looked surprised at first, before his expression melted into a warm smile. He wished very much to be able to touch her in a similar manner.

"My love," he said gently, "there is no one else on this earth who I wish to do this with more, especially now. You are my one true love, the one I care for more than anyone else. You and I were destined to be together. Yes, I do wish to do this with you."


healsforjustice November 29 2011, 08:51:02 UTC
"Flynn..." she uttered softly, continuing to stroke his face as he leaned into the touch. Honestly, she had anticipated his agreement, but her heart still beat faster at his declaration. The way he could so easily speak like that, make her feel as if she was the most important treasure in the world. it always succeeded in making her feel special. That just about chased away any remain uncertainties remaining.

"Then just let me know if what I'm doing is alright." she responded with a smile of her own, before closing the gap between them, lips gently pressing onto his in a loving kiss.

Carefully, she settled herself to sit on his lap, gradually adding more pressure as the kiss slowly deepened. That hand on his cheek continued to stroke his skin, fingers tracing around his ear or running through the ends of his hair. Meanwhile, the other wandered down the prince's chest, feeling bad she couldn't touch as much with the ropes in the way. Still, she made the most of it, carressing the skin that showed through the gaps in the bonds in gentle exploration, pressing her own warm body closer to his. Despite the circumstances, she didn't wish to rush this. It was still their first time, and it should be special regardless. She just hoped that she could make it feel good for her lover as well.


divine_streak November 30 2011, 19:28:26 UTC
Flynn hummed happily into the kiss, closing his eyes and losing himself to it. He pressed himself into her touch, eager to feel more from his beloved princess, but also not wishing to rush things. The pace she was going suited the chaste Prince just fine, and his gentle body language proved this.


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 19:40:07 UTC
Amelia whimpered softly on feeling his press into her, fingers tracing over more of his skin, moving down his body slowly and tenderly, hopeful he would get some pleasant feelings from it despite the rope in the way.

Parting from the kiss to take in air, she edged back a little, blushing profusely as her fingers wrapped around the hem of her tunic. Carefully, she tugged the garment over her head, then off completely, revealing her upper body clad in only her bra. Amelia might have been small, but she had curves that were worth admiring.

She made no move to strip further though, opting to draw things out and let Flynn feel more. Soon, she was kissing him again, arms wrapped around him as her hands carressed his back and shoulders. A few soft noises escaped into the kiss as she pressed up against him, humming at the sensation of their shared warmth coming together.


divine_streak November 30 2011, 22:02:34 UTC
Indeed he did. Flynn felt the touch against his skin between the ropes, and he felt the love of the young woman touching him. He instinctively moved after her as she pulled away, but quickly came to his senses, smiling up at her.

But then she began to pull up her tunic and a look of surprise came over Flynn's face. He knew it had to happen. He knew that, but still it was quite something to see the woman he loved disrobe herself before him. It was exhilerating.

"Amelia," Flynn said as he watched her bare herself to him. As he took in the very pleasing sight of her half bare form, a smile came over his face. Even though they had no choice, Flynn was honored that his princess trusted him this much to expose herself to him. "You're beautiful."

And then she resumed the kiss and Flynn returned it with everything he had. There was the sound of the ropes straining as he tried desperately to return her affections. Instead he pressed himself into her as best as he could, wanting to bask inher warmth forever.


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 22:16:56 UTC
Even though her eyes had shut due to some embarrassment as she stripped, she could feel his gaze on her. Between that and his words, it was surprising her face wasn't burning from her blush. Still, she smiled regardless, showing her appreciation in the love that poured into the kiss.

Right now, she was torn between her desires, to press on and feel more by taking off more clothes, or slow down to relish every sensation she could in the moment. The sound of Flynn apparently trying to break the ropes only spurred her on. The sooner this was done, the sooner he could touch her in return. However, because of his restraints, she wished to compensate him for not being able to reciprocate as he wished, by working extra hard to make sure he got as much out of this as her, knowing that this was an expression of how they felt for each other.

One hand wandered down to his, clutching his fingers to provide him with some form of intimate contact as she continued the kiss, lips parting slightly in silent invitation, if he was comfortable with it of course. Shifting herself closer, even with her remaining clothes, she felt unbearably warm, shivering pleasant as she gently began to rock against him, trying not to allow the fact that Flynn was nude make her lose her resolve. She wasn't sure what to expect, but from the little knowledge she had, it would be clear if he wanted things to continue.


divine_streak December 1 2011, 08:50:51 UTC
Flyn's first instinct with Amelia was always to protect and hold despite knowing she didn't need his protection, so he would be straining against those ropes no matter how fast she went.

When she lowered her hand to his, Flynn made no hesitation in grasping it, his grip full of gentle reassurance that he was with her every step of the way in this challenging first attempt at intimacy.

When she parted her lips though, he did hesitate. But only for a second. Slowly, as if unsure of whether he was doing it right, Flynn began to slip his tongue past her lips.


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