Return of the Office | Heavy Aphro

Jul 29, 2011 12:14

Just because it's summer doesn't mean you can slack off.

So far this year, summertime has been one heck of a busy season. Despite the heat (outside and inside, everyone is hard at work. At least, by all appearances. Like any company, this one has secrets. From the secretary being called into the boss' office and coming out a hot mess, to the copy ( Read more... )

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Comments 699

Secretary stocking_you July 29 2011, 19:25:11 UTC
The office was dark, the only light coming from a lamp. That lamp came from a desk in front of the boss' office. Naturally, it was the secretary's desk. It was late; everyone else had gone home. But Stocking, workaholic that she could be, just had to stay and finish one job that had hit her desk just before quitting time. It was maliciously done, of course, the lower worker bee jealous of both Stocking's breasts and the compliments she got from the boss. She knew Stocking prided herself on having all jobs complete before leaving.

Finally, mercifully, the last signature had been signed, the woman sighing heavily before tossing the file into the 'OUT' bin. "Finally!" She rolled her sore neck and stood, fighting a yawn as she picked up her keys. She was not leaving her car here; it'd probably be keyed the next morning.

What Stocking didn't know was that she wasn't alone in the office, despite suggestions to the contrary.

((OOC: Feel free to be a boss or co-worker who lingered after everyone else left, or came back out of worry. ( ... )


Boss blondblitzer July 29 2011, 20:09:57 UTC
Being a boss certainly did have its perks. He got a nice, big (probably too big) office with a great view. He was surprised when he got bumped up to this position. But he had made a real big impression on the owner. It also probably helped that his Dad was the owners best friend. He knew some people there didn't expect like someone as young as Tidus coming into the company and getting this position after being there for less than a year, but he was qualified for the job. If he himself didn't think he could handle the job, he wouldn't have accepted it.

Right now it was a pretty lax day. All his paper work had been done and he didn't have anything to do for at least another hour. So he just relaxed back in his chair before putting his feet up on his desk.

[ooc: Females only. Feel free to have them be whatever you want. Client, employee, ect.]


shortskirted July 29 2011, 20:23:19 UTC
There was a soft knock at the door before it opened, revealing a smiling blonde holding some envelopes. "Sorry for interrupting you; mail call." Usually, his secretary took the mail, but there were some pieces addressed for him alone. Rikku walked toward the desk, trying not to look nervous. She had only been in the company for a few months, but everyone seemed to like her upbeat, carefree personality. Made sense; wasn't much time for such a personality normally, was there? Sure, she was only the mail clerk, but she was proud of her job. It was important.

Finally standing in front of him, Rikku held out the stack of mail, her free hand resting at her side. Don't look nervous, don't look nervous... It didn't help that her boss was young. And hot.


blondblitzer July 29 2011, 20:52:10 UTC
Tidus shifted his attention over to the door when he heard the soft knock. He took his feet down from his desk and waited for the girl to come in. "It's alright." He said as he smiled to her. He hadn't seen her here before. Or if he had, he couldn't remember it. There were so many people at this company, that remembering everyone's face got a bit hard to do. He waited for her to approach his desk and when she held out the mail, he took it from her.

"Thank you." He gave it a brief look before placing it down on his desk. He'd look at it later.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you before."


shortskirted July 29 2011, 20:58:24 UTC
Rikku smiled once more and nodded, folding her hands in front of her. Being proper like this really didn't suit her, but he was the boss and she needed this job. "Yes, sir. My name's Rikku; I just joined a few months ago." She gave her name out of force of habit, even as she scolded herself, knowing he didn't ask.


Gofer yang_lee July 29 2011, 21:18:40 UTC
With no degree or any significant managerial experience, Yang had to settle for being a gofer. While the position was dreaded by most and considered just shy from being menial, brainless labor, he didn't mind it at all. Flexible hours, mostly casual dress, and the chance to meet different people up and down the corporate ladder made it worthwhile. Especially the latter.

It was nearing the second half of the lunch hour, the hour when most workers were lounging around and relaxing, when he finally made it back into the building with spoils from his latest trip to the outside world: some office supplies and copier ink; takeout from the best Chinese restaurant in town (his second job); and a box with some files from the printer.

Now, to distribute the goods...

[OOC; Executive waiting for the files? Coworker waiting for the food? Someone suckered into working in the copy room? Feel free to improvise. Any way you slice it, Yang'll be there to give you what you want. Rewards not necessary, but greatly appreciated. Women preferred but ( ... )


needsnobra July 29 2011, 23:04:43 UTC
Yang would be greeted with quite a sight when he entered the copy room- Tsunade had thought the door locked, and been in there amusing herself for quite some time, indulging in the classic activity of photocopying parts of your body. The blonde's head jerks up when the door opens, sitting bare-assed on the photocopier; considering her breasts are free of their tight shirt as well, it's clear this isn't the first thing she's done in here today. The blonde stares, surprised, at him for some time.



Hah. yang_lee July 30 2011, 07:20:03 UTC
"Hey, I brought the --"

The last thing Yang expected to see was a partly naked woman anywhere, let alone inside the copy room. But there she was, on the copy machine with her own goods on display.

Thinking his own eyes were deceiving him, he paused and looked away. Then looked back and...

...yeah, she was still there, and still undressed.




needsnobra July 30 2011, 07:25:03 UTC
He wasn't too hard on the eyes, at least, Tsunade recognising him as the errand boy. There were options here, but she felt such a lowly worker could be easily fleeced and sent away without telling anyone...but the more she looked at him, the more she was tempted to have some fun with him first.

So Tsunade simply pushes down her skirt and crosses her legs, not bothering to tuck her massive breasts back into her shirt, giving him a nice view.

"Thank you, Yang. Is there anything...else, I can do for you?"


Programmer mizunosenshi July 29 2011, 22:00:39 UTC
Ami was working late again, something she did often without any problems. The security guards all knew her, and even the janitor stopped by now and then for some friendly conversation or philosophical debate. There was a big project coming up, and while the work didn't need to be done for another t wo weeks, inspiration had hit as it often did and she could stop typing. The code was coming together nicely, but the longer she stayed focused the warmer the office felt. Perhaps they'd turned the air system off, but then she'd made certain they knew she was still there ( ... )


healingslayer_x July 30 2011, 01:44:42 UTC
Sometimes Konoka wondered what drove Ami to program like she did at times. Konoka and Ami had always been department friends, working on programming projects together, eating lunch together, or simply meeting with friends.

The heat had been getting to Konoka as well, who had stayed behind to make sure Ami did wander back home alone that night. Unfortunately, upon going to the room, she saw Ami... doing that. That which aroused her quite a bit. To be honest, she had a few fantasies of Ami, wondering what the girl might feel like with the contact of bodies, or handcuffed and squirming in pleasure.

She didn't make herself known just yet, she just watched in awe, subconsciously rubbing her legs and playing with her own chest.


mizunosenshi July 30 2011, 18:32:13 UTC
Had she been asked, Ami would have explained that her philosophy. She put her all into every task, no matter how trivial it seemed. There was a satisfaction in getting the job done, and though she wasn't in it for the praise that was nice too. Completing one task meant she could move onto another, and then another, making the most out of her available time. That philosophy was coming unraveled as she sat there, mind filled with perverse notions ( ... )


healingslayer_x July 31 2011, 11:39:47 UTC
Konoka might have asked, but in her heart she already knew the answer. Ami was very hardworking. Konoka had her very own flow of her hardworking, but she preferred to take it easy and pace herself. No need to overwork, so long as you managed to work smartly.

But the sight of Ami working herself in front of her was enough that Konoka felt compelled to follow suit. Ami was always fairly attractive, and while Konoka had been confident in herself, she didn't really let it slip that she had been attracted to girls for the longest time. It was with a bit more reluctance that Konoka let a hand slip down between her own thighs, stroking evenly on her panties, letting pleasure roll through her skin. Unlike Ami, she was standing leaning on the doorway, which had thankfully made no sound.


Another secretary~! rawker_vamp July 29 2011, 22:24:06 UTC
Gripping the pen between her teeth, the one she used to sign the checks and bills for the boss, Marceline grunted impatiently as she sighed. "Finished." She sighed softly, stretching her arms above her head, as she let down her hair from the bun she had it in, as she sighed softly, running her hands up her thighs, trying to ease some stress between her legs.


Re: Another secretary~! wrongbottle July 29 2011, 23:51:51 UTC
Jake was an intern, or that was his story. He was here to steal company secrets but he had found something else to steal during his stay here. He moved behind Marceline, his arms wrapping around her shoulders and his lips pressing against her ear.

"Sure is warm in here, isn't it?"


rawker_vamp July 30 2011, 00:56:29 UTC
"Jaake..." Marceline blushed, as she leaned back slightly to lean against his chest. " sure you're just not happy to see me?"


wrongbottle July 30 2011, 02:07:53 UTC
Jake chuckled against her ear. "I am happy to see you. How about you? You happy to see me?" His hands moving down her shoulders and to her chest.


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