[So, Badou had managed to electrocuted himself, blown a broken computer up and fall down a flight of old, stairs so far, this all happening from a result of running frantically into the nearest building he could find, after his uneasy arrival on the shore. His voice was rasp, sore and dry sounding.] Oh Christ, please let this thing work, Hello,
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[He swallows , totally looking over his shoulder and around the room, just to be sure nothings lurking.]
So, are you one of the hunted, or a hunter? Curious minds wanna know.
[Fumbling around, looking for his lighter.]
But if my name is what you were after, its Badou.
[ it takes a moment, but he manages to switch over to video. he's lit dimly up by the glow of a wand he's got in hand. ]
To answwer your question... I'm more hunted as of late, tragically. And nothin's givin' me any breaks. It's awwful.
What's hunting you?..er, I didn't get your name.
[Lighting up his cigarette - which takes a while considering the pack is a little on the soggy side.]
An' it's these fuckin' angels, and a bunch a other things that'vve been showwin' up.
Angels huh? um.. I've never ran into a dangerous angel before, but other things sounds kinda ominous man.
I don't really knoww wwhat the other things are. It's hard to get a good look at 'em.
My suggestion, don't look for them. Just ignore them, pretend like they aren't even there. ...Really, its how I get through most of my day..
[Holding up his cigarette to the screen and smiling slightly.]
With this wonderful stick of bliss, and the first bath I find to soak in.
But go on believvin' that. It wwon't be my fault wwhen you're dead.
I only just got here and already I'm sure I got a broken nose and you telling me I'm gonna die?
If you sit back wwithout defendin' yourself, then obvviously you're not gonna livve for vvery long.
Lived long enough so far, and there's been much worse after me than shadows and angels.
[You're watching this aren't you? So you can totally see Badou looking over his shoulder every other second, scared shitless... clearly.]
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