“I don’t want to insult you, O, but the fact that you’ve never seen Showgirls is an abomination. It’s an amazing, glorious piece of truly terrible cinema. It’s awesome. We’ll have to have a Batgirl movie night. Put that in the priority one file.”
Stephanie Brown is flying. The line is strong and steady in her hand, the night breeze cool against
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He accepts the papers with a gracious smile and a nod of his head, but the expression washes away from his face quickly enough as he's faced with the prospect of explaining to someone else the nature of the island. Because, frankly, he's only beginning to wrap his head around it himself. And still isn't entirely convinced (part of this is for his own sanity, he's sure) that this place is real, that he is truly and completely trapped on an island with no way off and made to waste precious weeks, months, even years somewhere his talents can't be fully utilized and his dreams realized.
She might be in the very same boat, strange though the costume is, and Kurt finds his throat growing dry at the very thought.
"Okay, when I said prepare yourself, I don't mean for a long walk or a hitchhike. I mean, like, you're... not going to get back to Aparo Park anytime soon. At least, not by choice. The both of us are standing on an island right now, called Tabula Rasa, and no one's been able to find a reliable way off. Or even know where we are relative to the rest of the one or many universes."
If this kid is even telling the truth at all. She could have been kidnapped and taken somewhere else, even if she doesn't remember losing consciousness. Teleported, maybe. She glances around to inspect the rooftop and the cover of the trees for eyes watching them, some sort of threat. There's nothing she can see, which doesn't mean it's not there.
For the sake of a civilian, she has to stay calm. "This- this is not great. Tabula Rasa, really? That's a bit on the nose." She takes a deep breath. "Who brings us here then?"
"As far as we know, you just... show up. Although there does seem to be evidence that there's, I don't know, a conscious mind or choice behind it all, as Tabula Rasa frequently throws hurdles at its citizens in ways that don't seem entirely random. Once again, these are things that I usually ignore, more often than not."
"Okay, so, let me see if I got this right." She takes a deep breath and starts ticking things off on her fingers. "You show up literally in mid air, no one knows where we are, and no one knows how to leave. Assuming this is all true and this isn't some sort of prank the Batgirl joke. What am I missing?"
His brows furrow, a hand raising as he backtracks against his thoughts. "Wait..." he murmurs. "Did you just say 'prank the Batgirl'? You are just wearing a costume, right?"
Her Batgirl suit is bulletproof, insulated, made to withstand extreme temperatures, and generally designed to withstand as much as ass kicking as physically possible. It fit her like an especially badass second skin. She loved it completely.
"I like to think of it as more of a uniform, honestly," she says with a shrug. "But costume is not inaccurate."
He shakes his head, patting the spot next to him and waiting for her to sit. "Sit. Unless you'd rather head inside, it's probably cooler there, and your... outfit doesn't look quite weather-appropriate."
She glances around the island and then shrugs. The suit is warm in the sun and she's starting to sweat, but she's put up with Gotham's August heat waves for years. Still, might be a good idea to start getting the lay of the land. "Let's head in." She nods to the largest building. "I take it that's headquarters?
He slides off the side of the trampoline, careful to gather his notes in his arms before rounding the building and waiting for her to follow. "I'm pretty sure there are some people you might know around here, but uh."
Pressing his lips firmly together again, he chances a question. "How do you feel about multiverses?"
Stephanie bounces off and lands neatly on the ground, managing to resist the urge to do some unnecessary flips just to make herself feel better. "I feel annoyed if the multiverse is about to make my life more difficult." She's Batgirl. She can handle this. "What do you mean people I might know here? Is Batman here?"
Pushing inside, the two are met with a cold brush of air; Kurt suppresses a shiver and holds his papers closer to his chest. "As for people you know, I mean like, I know Clark Kent's here. Not as sure about Batman..." He glances for a moment in her direction, deciding that it's probably better not to mention the fact that he knows Bruce Wayne is Batman. (Or at least, the original Wayne.)
"So did you want food? Clothes? Or am I supposed to hand you straight off to the Council?"
"I should probably talk to Clark Kent...since he is such a reliable and knowledgeable Daily Planet reporter." She worries her lip for a moment and tries to plan her next move. If Superman is here, he'll know what's going on. Or maybe she should get some civvies first. "Right, let's do clothes first. And, I'm sorry, you're being so helpful and I didn't catch your name."
While the last thing that he feels is helpful, Kurt doesn't like to abandon decorum if he can help it, so he holds out a hand and offers a weak smile. "I'm Kurt. Kurt Hummel. And I'm rather glad you opted for clothes first, by the way; that happens to be my favorite part of the island, hands-down. Although not all people seem to have as much luck with our collection."
Despite the time space continuum conspiring to ruin her day, she offers a smile and shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you, Kurt. I'm Batgirl. And I'm judging from your reaction and outfit that I'm not going to wind up with a palm tree skirt and a coconut bra?"
He crosses his arms briefly after pulling his hand back from the shake, before then leading the both of them inside, heading for the basement. "Pleasure's all mine, though I do wish that I had an actual name, and not a title, to go off of," he remarks offhandedly. "Feels a little uneven otherwise. But no, we're not decking you out in Hawaiian tourist fare; you'll get over the novelty of tropical island pretty quickly, trust me."
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