
Sep 26, 2008 09:40

Hey, guys, I'm back! So, the bad news is that I do have apnea, but the good news is that it is solely attributed to my other problems (sinuses, PCOS, weight, et cetera) and as long as said problems stay well-managed, the apnea should have no trying affects on my body. That is a very good thing, because apnea would be the thing I worried about the most--apnea can be fatal! But not to me, so I'm pretty happy.

I spent my two days in the hospital reading and watching television. But all I read was Anderson Cooper's Dispatches from the Edge (A Memoir of War, Disasters, and Survival) and watched DVD reruns of Anderson Cooper 360º, so I am just pumped full of CNN-type stuff right now. I adore Anderson Cooper--I think he's one of the wisest, bravest, most dedicated men on the planet, and he is pretty much the only person I trust for news.

Anyway, I'm back. I'm feeling a little better, and...yeah.

Time for an Anderson quote? I think so!
"Anyone who tells you they aren't scared in a war zone is a fool or a liar, and probably both. The more places you've been , the more you know just how easy it is to get killed. It's not like in the movies. There are no slow-motion falls, no crying out the names of your loved ones. People die, and the world keeps spinning."

And now, I am going to make a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Hey, you listen to as much Elvis as I do, and you start picking up some Elvis-esque eating habits.


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