So yesterday spent the whole day with Corey. We walked around Boston, mostly just around Chinatown, and we had fun, and we talked a lot. Then we went into Harvard Square and walked around there, showed him the anime shop Tricia had shown me before, and he loved it hehehe... He loves anime as well. Corey is a really great guy and I am happy to be with him. He bought me the first season of Gilmore Girls but of course we both forgot about it by the end of the night when he was leaving to go home, so he still has it but i'll probably get it when we see each other again. Hahaha... and he even met my mom and she really liked him. It was a great day for sure and it was really nice how we were walking around holding hands and when we took the train we did cuddle. We also saw Sweeny Todd, which was a good movie. During the bloody parts he kept squeezing my hand it was kinda cute, and it was nice. He is truly a great guy and I wish I could be with him right now than at home with my sister... I miss him already, but I know we'll see each other again. Well figured I'd let you all know about how great a day I had yesterday.